Burnout/sensory overload getting worse as one gets older?

I've noticed that my sensory overload/burnout is getting worse as I'm getting older. I used to be very energetic in my 20s, but then gradually burned out to the point where I couldn't work anymore. I used to need at least one rest day a week where I do absolutely nothing except lying in bed and watching Netflix, now I need 2 of them per week.

I recently finished my college course (which I did from home because Covid); once I finished everything, I was completely exhausted for a week. Today and yesterday I met up with friends, I had a nice time and walked quite a lot, and now I'm absolutely shattered. I'll definitely need a day of doing nothing tomorrow. Every activity seems to drain me, and it takes at least 24 hours to recharge my batteries.

I'm 32 so it's not like I'm ancient, lol. I eat healthy, regular meals, and I take vitamins, supplements, nootropics etc. so I'm not sure what else I can do to boost my energy levels. 

Has anyone else experienced increased tiredness as they are getting older?

  • Yes, I am 42 and spend a good amount laying down, it varies of course too. I had to stop working 2 years ago.
    One thing that is hard to accept is that I can't listen to a lot of music anymore and often I can't watch TV. I just had to leave the living room today, because we were watching a documentary on African culture and music. There was music and talking at the same time for at least ten minutes.  It was unbearable.
    Good luck to you. I wish I could have told you a happier story.

    1. Hi tania I get this with music now. I used to listen to a lot of punk and heavy metal. Now I just cannot tolerate loud heavy music and now can only deal with no lyrics in the music, it's another form of  sensory issues for me which then leads to burnout pretty quick. I can't do school runs now for my young kids also, my wife has to do it all. I can't deal with all the noise that getting  close to the school brings, its makes me feel pretty worthless
  • I can relate.
    Do you know the parable of the Chinese farmer though?>>

    A Chinese farmer gets a horse, which soon runs away. A neighbor says, "That's bad news." The farmer replies, "Good news, bad news, who can say?"

    The horse comes back and brings another horse with him. Good news, you might say.
    The farmer gives the second horse to his son, who rides it, then is thrown and badly breaks his leg.

    "So sorry for your bad news," says the concerned neighbor. "Good news, bad news, who can say?" the farmer replies.

    In a week or so, the emperor's men come and take every able-bodied young man to fight in a war. The farmer's son is spared.

    I try to recall that when I feel worthless. It works sometimes. What can we do about feeling worthless or our reduced ablilties?? I have no clue.
    About music:
    I will still listen to one or two songs by the Ramones or something like that and then I've had enough. I have also found that lyrics make it harder recently. So I have discovered some new music that I like. Dub is pretty awesome.

  • I can relate.
    Do you know the parable of the Chinese farmer though?>>

    A Chinese farmer gets a horse, which soon runs away. A neighbor says, "That's bad news." The farmer replies, "Good news, bad news, who can say?"

    The horse comes back and brings another horse with him. Good news, you might say.
    The farmer gives the second horse to his son, who rides it, then is thrown and badly breaks his leg.

    "So sorry for your bad news," says the concerned neighbor. "Good news, bad news, who can say?" the farmer replies.

    In a week or so, the emperor's men come and take every able-bodied young man to fight in a war. The farmer's son is spared.

    I try to recall that when I feel worthless. It works sometimes. What can we do about feeling worthless or our reduced ablilties?? I have no clue.
    About music:
    I will still listen to one or two songs by the Ramones or something like that and then I've had enough. I have also found that lyrics make it harder recently. So I have discovered some new music that I like. Dub is pretty awesome.

  • Sure. Is there some classical piece that is your favorite, or is it the genre you like? I put on sleep music radio station for my son in the evening. But I found that often there are some sounds in there that make me uncomfortable or there's a sudden increase in volume which I don't like. Having said this I know that my family always tells me I am so picky. But what am I to do?! My ears and emotions are so sensitive.
    I like Einaudi.
    I do believe in a soul. and anything that touches it in a positive way is great. (Oh, you got me thinking about quantum physics now and that everything is vibration (=sound))

  • Hi no my son  who is autistic aswell is not really into music atm, he has his own intense interests.

    BTW that dub music is very good I now have some playlists with it on and thankyou for citizen warwick also. Anything like this is great for my soul if you believe in one

    I'm listening to a lot of calm classical also which helps my mind calm down as I have adhd. Gaza p.s that's bizarre the ramones dub lol

  • Does Joey like the Ramones? We named our kids after artists and they don't care. :-D
    I actually found some: www.youtube.com/watch
    It's strange, but worth a listen. Definitely creative.
    Citizen Warwick has some nice stuff.

  • Thankyou. I will give dub a try. Ah the ramones I named my oldest son after joey the lead singer. I used to love listening to I wanna be sedated and road to ruin album. Happy days.p.s is there any ramones in dub? Haha