Burnout/sensory overload getting worse as one gets older?

I've noticed that my sensory overload/burnout is getting worse as I'm getting older. I used to be very energetic in my 20s, but then gradually burned out to the point where I couldn't work anymore. I used to need at least one rest day a week where I do absolutely nothing except lying in bed and watching Netflix, now I need 2 of them per week.

I recently finished my college course (which I did from home because Covid); once I finished everything, I was completely exhausted for a week. Today and yesterday I met up with friends, I had a nice time and walked quite a lot, and now I'm absolutely shattered. I'll definitely need a day of doing nothing tomorrow. Every activity seems to drain me, and it takes at least 24 hours to recharge my batteries.

I'm 32 so it's not like I'm ancient, lol. I eat healthy, regular meals, and I take vitamins, supplements, nootropics etc. so I'm not sure what else I can do to boost my energy levels. 

Has anyone else experienced increased tiredness as they are getting older?

  • Evenin' Violet, I don't know how other more mature people feel, but for me, yes, it definitely feels as if its worse the older I get. In my twenties and thirties, I definitely had more tolerance than in my forties. Now, as I approach 50, I need double the time to recuperate and my tolerance for background noise is virtually zero compared to when I was younger. But, I'm imagining it's different for everyone.

  • Evenin' Violet, I don't know how other more mature people feel, but for me, yes, it definitely feels as if its worse the older I get. In my twenties and thirties, I definitely had more tolerance than in my forties. Now, as I approach 50, I need double the time to recuperate and my tolerance for background noise is virtually zero compared to when I was younger. But, I'm imagining it's different for everyone.

  • Yeah, it sucks. I only got diagnosed at 30, and spent many years trying desperately to be 'normal' when I was 18-30 and then I burned out bad and never fully recovered. I'm hoping to have enough spoons to be able to go through uni, and then my plan is to move into the countryside and get a small dog, lol. I think city life is starting to exhaust me.