GB News (New British News Network)

*Precision I have no political affiliation. I subscribe to no political dogma or movement. I have highlighted this new news channel as a much needed antidote to the partisan news we are currently subjected to. Will it be free from bias? No, but at least we all get to see the extremes of both sides of the political divide. I get my news from an entirely independant team  who are committed to delivering non-partisan, professional journalism. Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar. It's a fearless anti-establishment Youtube show and podcast with contributors from across the political divide. Their aim is to cut through the media bias. Breaking Points Non-Partisan News & Analysis Precision*

Britain's got a new TV network. The new British network has vowed to fight "cancel culture" and reflect voices not heard in the partisan mainstream media and state-controlled BBC. A spokesperson for GB News said its aim was to "puncture the pomposity of our elites in politics, business, media and academia and expose their growing promotion of cancel culture for the threat to free speech and democracy that it is". 

Cancel Culture is the term given to left-wing and left-leaning attempts at suppressing of free expression and political diversity by permanently shaming and ostracising individuals who threaten their political and social orthodoxy. 

  • They probably would have called the civil rights movement 'woke' if the term existed back then. The same for the sufragettes, and those who fought for an end to the persecution of gay people. I dare say the recognition that those of us with mental health and mental illness issues now have is partly the result if progressive/woke people who worked to change the things about society they didn't like, the rules they didn't agree with.

    It wasn't woke people who made the rules. It was the like of Murdoch, the likes of Andrew Neil and others in the media who helped dictate how people were treated, who helped decide the language with which people were referred to. And now there's a dawning culture or respect and recognition for people's differences the likes of Neil want to treat it as a bad thing. 

    What have the right wingers like Neil done for society? What have angry, reactionary, right wingers done for the world?

    I'm not 'woke' but I know which side is more likely to take us forward as a society and which side is more likely to take us backwards. And it certainly isn't the old red faced potatriot going on about how 'You can't say anything anymore!'. 

    Oh, and while he's playing it off as being about countering the 'mainstream' 'left' media now, HE WAS PART OF IT UNTIL JUST A YEAR OR SO AGO. If it was so bad, so left-wing, so terribly PC why did he stick around so long? Why did he work for the BBC, of all organisations?

    Because he's a fraud looking to take your money by selling you ads in between bits about what immigrants are getting that you're not and a segment from Katie Hopkins about how masks are useless and as long as you walk round with your head stuck up your own **** you needn't worry about catching Covid!

    We need to be better than this. Men like Neil seek to profit from the divides in our society, not heal them. GB News will not bring the country together, it will drive us further apart. The ONLY THING keeping the 'Elites' in power is US. 

    The sooner we stop letting these rats turn us against each other, arguing about who the biggest shits are, the sooner we can stop them flushing us all down the bog.

    That 100,000 death toll is made up of all kinds. Black, white, rich, poor, right, left. The one thing they all have in common is a government and a system that doesn't give a *** about them.

  • the right isnt angry.... the left is angry, if you say anything they will scream at you and seek to end your life.... thta is angry... the right isnt angry, infact im rather left win in my ideology and lifestyle, but yet i found more acceptance and tolerance in the right than the left... the left is full of bitter hate and bile and they dont tolerate anything at all, all you find on lefty servers and sites is white men and white women, because they are not tolerant, they cannot tolerate any other view of anyone at all but themselves..... i enter right wing server and there is a massive diverse amount of people even muslims there are tolerated that say they hate the west and pointing out how its depraved and collapsing now..... funny the right is more tolerant and can tolerate enemies and the opinion of enemies in their spaces and discuss with them... the left cannot tolerate anyone but the very few privileged elite white rich boys....

  • You bring up the left being angry, and I'd agree with you-to a point. Like how left wing/progressive/'woke' (whatever term you prefer) got angry about slavery, about racial inequality, about sex inequality, about worker's rights (the reason we have paid holidays and breaks and things we take for granted). The left gets angry about these things, and the right tells them to shut up and deal with it. 

    Inevitably, the left are proven to be right, but not until after all the protests by the likes of the KKK or EDL or whatever other group of frothing at the mouth head the balls are representing the right at the time of each development. And that's what they are-developments. You can accept them and adapt or you can become a relic of a bygone age, relying on sleaze bags like Donald Trump to represent your views and count among your allies white nationalists and proud racists. You may not be these things but you stand alongside those who are if you position yourself to the right, these days. 

    You talk about the left only tolerating a few privileged elite white boys but is it not the right to elected the Tories? Led by old Etonians like Boris Johnson, and formerly his great chum David Cameron and fellow old bean George Osbourne? And have they not done the same in the US? Electing Donald Trump, a man so associated with money and (supposed) luxury that he may as well have his face on the dollar bill? Back to the UK, it's the left who campaigned for Corbyn to lead, where the centre and right wing prefer privileged Tory in disguise Keir Starmer.

    I think you need to educate yourself on who it is who actually represents your views best because you seem to be quite confused. 

    As for the left wing all being white and only surrounded by other white people that is, again, complete crap. I have relatives who are mixed race. I don't need to go on a forum to find a token minority I can use as an example of how my side isn't racist. My side generally isn't accused of being racist and doesn't have to make such gestures. Why do you think that might be?

  • its not nonsense or opposite the truth, you just dont know how the EU works... which is why your a remainer... if you knew how it worked then youd probably agree it was wise to come out of it.

    now if you havent got any other arguments than denial of truth theres no point in keep harping on. 

    face the facts, the EU is nothing more than a giant ponzi scheme. and if you think we get cheaper goods when they have to go through a middle man before they get to us you dont know a thing about economics either lol

    put it this way.... if your running a shop, do you think its best to get your goods you sell in your shop from asda, or from a actual bulk source that creates it? ... because by your logic youd buy your stock from asda and then wonder why no ones buying it to make you profit.... why would they buy it from you when they can buy it from where you got it without you having to make profit ontop of it?

  • again we got products from all over the world but they had to go through the EU first, they acted as a middle man and did the deals for us... which in turn wasnt deals to be favourable for us but deals to be favourable for them making money off us by buying off the source and then selling to us for ramped up profit.... they didnt allow us to go to the source and buy direct for cheaper, it is illegal in the EU for members to do that, one of the conditions is any outside deal or trade the EU has to do it for you in which they act as middle man and want profit from it, alot of profit from it. which increases the prices of goods on our shelves.... but your fine with that, because your a middle class selfish pillock who probably voted tories all your life up until last election.

    That's just nonsense and the complete opposite of the truth or reality and just more of your rantings based on nothing. If anything we got products cheaper being part of the biggest trading block in the world. You see, if you're  a member of the biggest trading block in the world with a population of over 400 million, countries will tend to want to do business with you on your terms. You have all the cards. Take it or leave it. What cards do we have now as a divided, insular, simple-minded,  Zena phobic and sad little nation run by a bunch of charlatans, compulsive liars and incompetent wasters ? The only friends we have now in the EU are other little insignificant imbeciles like Hungary and its far-right lunatic leader.  

    It is actually more expensive for Australian, New Zealanders, South Africans etc etc citizens to buy products made in their own countries than it is to buy the same products in the EU so you are talking complete dribble. 

    You should get used to that because everything will get more expensive for us after leaving the EU and living standards will drop. We will also be forced to drop many of our higher standards regarding food production and human rights in order to strike deals with lesser developed or evolved  countries. 

    Once again, I gave you the opportunity to make your case based on anything coherent, logical, sensible, economically beneficial, understandable , moral or anything else that might progress us but you have absolutely nothing to offer on that front or anything else. 

  • again we got products from all over the world but they had to go through the EU first, they acted as a middle man and did the deals for us... which in turn wasnt deals to be favourable for us but deals to be favourable for them making money off us by buying off the source and then selling to us for ramped up profit.... they didnt allow us to go to the source and buy direct for cheaper, it is illegal in the EU for members to do that, one of the conditions is any outside deal or trade the EU has to do it for you in which they act as middle man and want profit from it, alot of profit from it. which increases the prices of goods on our shelves.... but your fine with that, because your a middle class selfish pillock who probably voted tories all your life up until last election.

  • Some Trade deals are mainly for the benefit of large corporations where they want to monopolise everything and sue governments if they don't get their own way. Take a look at NAFTA for example. What we had in the EU was amongst the best set-ups in the world. People in other, less fortunate countries would give their right arm for what we had and all the opportunities future generations could expect. 

    ow, please go away, learn how the EU works, then come back and we can have a propper debate without you embarrassing yourself and speaking of things you know very little of.

    I know that when we were in it we were part of the biggest trading block in the world and were amongst the the top 3 most important countries in it and we had free trade with all members. I also know that when we were in it you could walk into any supermarket  or retail outlet and find products from all over the world so I'm not getting that we were somehow banned from trading with other countries or the big bad EU had our hands tied. You are getting confused with trade deals and international treaties and all the crap they told you during the Leave campaign . The only one embarrassing themselves here is you. We also had the benefit of travelling freely throughout the EU and to study and work throughout it. 

    You haven't gave a single benefit of leaving to date. Nor will you or any other brexiteer because they don't have any. It's not nice being hoodwinked by propagandists or easy to admit but you were. They've left you out at sea without a paddle. 

    I think if anyone sensible was given the choice between being part of and a senior member of the biggest trading block in the world or being an isolated and insular little island having to go round the world begging for trade deals with insignificant countries or former little colonies or to go begging the US for one on their terms, I think the sensible people would choose the former.  Now on the other hand if you can come back to me and say, yes, we have now miraculously got a better deal than being part of and a member of the biggest trading block on the planet, who's members were are neighbours and virtually on our doorstep then I may begin to listen to your rantings. How long would that take to go around the world begging for trade deals from insignificant countries where we are not really that important anymore and haven't many cards to play ? 50 - 100 years ? Do you know how long it takes to finalise 1 international trade deal ? And why would the US want or need to do us any favours in a trade deal ? They would simply say take it or leave it insignificant little country.  

    i gave you benefits, the ability to freely trade unstifled alone globally is a benefit that far outweighs the EU on its own..

    Do you have a shred of evidence to back that up ? How is that going so far ? How long do you think it will take to match what we had ? 2, 3, 4 generations ? I don't want you to back at me with opinion, 3 word slogans or any other nonsense. Come back with hard facts or evidence. 

  • not sure what care home it was, but it was home help that pretty much abuducted her and tried to force her wealth and property off her in a care home. but at the time she lived with 2 of my uncles who took care of her ontop of having home help when they was out. and home help pretty much kept tryna force her into a home and steal her stuff.

    hell they even got broke in one time and the people that broke in knew where everything was and stole my uncles car keys and savings and took off with his car, turned out it was one of the home helps relatives that did it. they are very dodgy and criminal. both home help and the care homes, of which is probably one and the same i guess, i guess the home help might work for the care home or something.

    anyways alot of care homes around me always end up being found out for beating the elderly residents up. thats one reason my uncles looked after her themselves because they knew the state of the care homes and didnt want to put her in one when they would only end up mistreating her.

  • Which care home did she go to Caelus? I've had family members in both care home and assisted living situations. They were always well cared for and respected. The only one who could ever be considered 'forced' (and I use that term very loosely) was a great uncle with dementia. He was incapable of looking after himself, my great Aunt cared for him as long as she was able, eventually it became too much for her.  You seem to have had some experiences that have somewhat coloured your view on certain situations. There are some very bad places. That can't be denied. But does that make them all bad?

  • aye i dont like mentioning care homes though.... i dont even consider care homes to be legal myself. they beat up the people they supposed to care for and they tried to force my nan into a care home and my uncle only got there in time to stop them and found them trying to force sign her home away to them. they are pure criminals and in drastic need of severe reform and criminal investigation. 

  • Did you not read my comments?

    The home my mother spent herast days was almost 100% staffed my Romanians, Somalians, anyone but Mykal's rare and endangered indigenous brits!

    You couldn't make it up

  • fruit farms maybe, because they was seasonal jobs, of which thus they were reliant on backpackers. as they are not constant jobs, but a seasonal one off which is usually a job that backpackers do to fund their journeys.

    hospitals, the NHS being all migrant workers is a myth that was wrongly spread, statistics state only 3% of the NHS staff are foreign workers. of which most of them didnt even come from the EU but from places like india, of which we can now have increased movement with due to being free from the EUs control which the EU wasnt very welcoming to anyone outside of it, which is what caused alot of hold ups and problems in turkey and libya.

  • Trouble is, now there is no one to work in the fruit farms or ho pitals or homes at a, because oddly....... there is no local labour to do the jobs. 

  • aye because thats the only way to make it in this system.... thats the only way for "free passive money" that you dont need to work for. but it comes at everyone elses expense, its far worse than anyone claiming welfare, because it drives up housing prices to the point no one can afford a house even with 30 years of work without spending a single penny of it, to the point it drives everyone to have to rent which is very expensive life and your working for some lazy person to make money off your back then. another layer of slavery. landlording needs to be abolished for a better society, a 1 house per person rule needs to be implaced and then due to houses not being brought up willy nilly by landlords who already have 1000 houses to their name, there would be less demand of buying houses so the prices would drop to a level in which a person can buy a house with just 1 year worth of work for once, like the boomers used to be able to do when they was younger before they ruined it all for everyone else lol

    and to think even with this people would still accuse me of being a tory or a right winger lol

  • EVERYONE I know who's made a bit of surplus cash seems to want to go into the landlord business. 

  • anyone who lives here... outside cheap workers drive the wages down... this has a negative effect on anyone that lives here.... if you want a flood of cheap workers, you are driving down everyones wages here and making life hard for anyone here regardless of their skin colour. your making black and muslim people poorer with your desire for mass cheap imported slave labour but you dont care because youd rather virtue signal all your life instead of support the betterment of peoples actual lives lol

    honestly its in the same set of lefty arguments as banning landlords..... we should make it so everyone can only have 1 house so that landlords dont keep driving house costs up and forcing us to all live in expensive rent houses.... you see its the same thing... why cant you see its the same? we just want cheaper cost of living, and you seem to want higher cost of living... this is a socialist issue and your against it while claiming to be the socialist side...

  • So now we have it.

    So who is this endangered indigenous Brit we are talking about here?

    You see I am confused. Normans, Scots, Vikings, Celts? All of whom were migrants at one time.

    Those more recently like Patel who were welcomed here in the first place because it was too oppressive at home, and who now want to pull up the drawbridge? Other ex colonials? The ones that Theresa May so loved? 

    Who is this indigenous flora in such dire need of protection? Who are they? You mean the Europeans and other furriners who looked after my brexiter mother in her final months? 

    Well I gate to burstbyour ballon, but there will be still more immigrants coming, depending on with whom Boris makes his second-ratevtrade deals. From Hong Kong, India, or with whom the trade deals get made. Daresay the indigenous farmers will be delighted too

  • Benefits of Brexit

    The benefits of Brexit range from new regulatory freedoms, an independent trade policy and a stricter immigration system to protect the culture, and the indigenous workers.

    The United Kingdom has more freedom to create our own trade deals and regulations. 

    In emerging industries, such as genetically modified foods and genome technology, Britain can take a more innovative approach than the EU by diverging from the shackles of data protection and regulation of the internet.

    Regaining sovereignty back from unelected officials in Brussels. The UK will exercise full control over its borders. Brexit will see the end of free movement and cut immigration into Britain, which has created difficulties in fulfilling housing and service needs. 

  • Benefits???????

    Of Brexit?

    You are kidding aren't you? 

  • They hate everything about Britain because their ideology is founded on the premise that we must all be ashamed and guilty for our colonial past and therefore ashamed of any expression of national identity. They hate any manifestation of national pride, or patriotism and see it goes against their visceral hatred of Britain and all things British. They deride patriots as poorly educated bigots, who need to be pitied because they are simply not on the same intellectual level they are; or are not as politically enlightened as they are.  When someone says they are proud to be British, they shudder inside with revulsion. It's part of the larger Left-wing ideology of victimhood. Everyone who believes their doctrine is a victim, and anyone who doesn't believe their doctrine is a perpetrator.

  • aye true, i cant understand them, theyd claim they are the side of the NHS while supporting and wanting foreign powers to carve up and destroy our country which will inevitably result in the death of the NHS by foreign powers. they are dumb, they stand against our institutions while claiming to be standing with them. they want to destroy our country and punish it while still wanting to claim their side is better for our country but yet they always state they want to destroy our country so they are not very consistent. 

  • You're wasting your time, matey. You're trying to break through Partisanship conditioning, and it's impossible. You have to let them find out for themselves. Eventually, like all members of a cult, something will happen that penetrates their conditioning and causes them to question their programming. But until then, it's pointless trying to get them to see a different point of view. Their minds have been locked. 

  • again what were the benefits of remaining?
    generations got tricked into voting in it in 1970s when they got tricked with a illegal question like "do you want to remain friends with france" which ofcourse everyone will say yes... thats a trick question and all this time our people have been waiting to undo that injustice. now it is settled. labour was our brexit party of 1970s too of which is why they got fucked off when they failed to stand by their foundation.

    why was we paying, what, 50 billion per year for ETERNITY NONE STOP every single year to the EU to get 9 billion back to fund stickers that claimed the EU funded whatever they stuck the sticker on? .... the EU was a lie, they even branded this themselves in their budget as pro-EU propaganda themselves.

    we didnt even have free movement with them as we wasnt in the free movement zone.... .what did we pay them all that money for? restricted trade, thats all we got.... thats a negative... we paid to get a negative... are we fucking daft? what the *** was we thinking????? and mongs like you defend that because your clueless and dont even know how the EU works and instead believe lying scum media opinions and not facts.

    now outside it, we can forge unrestricted deals with everyone globally, we can get cheaper food, because you know where the food from the EU came from? it came from africa and south america, then they obviously increase the price before it gets to us as they then need to make a profit off getting it.... now outside we can go right to the wholesaler and get CHEAPER goods... with out being force to pay higher fees to the middle man of the EU.

    and what was the other thing? ..... that student travel thing in the EU? .... do you know outside of it we have increased it to cover the entire world now rather than just the EU? so now students can go anywhere in the entire globe to study rather than JUST the EU nations lol

    not only that our increased deals we can make now we are going for free travel with australia and canada and new zealand in which we will have free travel with them soon, of which more people want to go to them places than anywhere in the EU and no doubt youd personally love that in the future and go to australia yourself on these free travel benefits that are coming while still being a douche about it as you types always take the benefits of these things you criticis, i think remainers shouldnt be allowed to attain free travel in out future deals, i feel you have made your bed and you shouldnt be allowed the benefits of brexit.

    but anyway in the EU we wasnt allowed that type of deal as the EU doesnt allow you to make deals outside of the EU block... you see how restricting that is? ... and you defend that restriction? ... no you didnt defend it, you didnt even fecking know of it, which is far worse as you have to know what your debating otherwise what is the use of debating in ignorance? i might aswell be talking to a wall here because a wall has more sentience and knowledge than you do on these issues lol

    why did you vote remain when you dont know anything about the EU or our place in it? ... why do you defend your side so much when you know nothing at all about it? .... is the media influence on you really that strong?

  • again what were the benefits of remaining?
    generations got tricked into voting in it in 1970s when they got tricked with a illegal question like "do you want to remain friends with france" which ofcourse everyone will say yes... thats a trick question and all this time our people have been waiting to undo that injustice. now it is settled. labour was our brexit party of 1970s too of which is why they got fucked off when they failed to stand by their foundation.

    why was we paying, what, 50 billion per year for ETERNITY NONE STOP every single year to the EU to get 9 billion back to fund stickers that claimed the EU funded whatever they stuck the sticker on? .... the EU was a lie, they even branded this themselves in their budget as pro-EU propaganda themselves.

    we didnt even have free movement with them as we wasnt in the free movement zone.... .what did we pay them all that money for? restricted trade, thats all we got.... thats a negative... we paid to get a negative... are we fucking daft? what the *** was we thinking????? and mongs like you defend that because your clueless and dont even know how the EU works and instead believe lying scum media opinions and not facts.

    now outside it, we can forge unrestricted deals with everyone globally, we can get cheaper food, because you know where the food from the EU came from? it came from africa and south america, then they obviously increase the price before it gets to us as they then need to make a profit off getting it.... now outside we can go right to the wholesaler and get CHEAPER goods... with out being force to pay higher fees to the middle man of the EU.

    and what was the other thing? ..... that student travel thing in the EU? .... do you know outside of it we have increased it to cover the entire world now rather than just the EU? so now students can go anywhere in the entire globe to study rather than JUST the EU nations lol

    not only that our increased deals we can make now we are going for free travel with australia and canada and new zealand in which we will have free travel with them soon, of which more people want to go to them places than anywhere in the EU and no doubt youd personally love that in the future and go to australia yourself on these free travel benefits that are coming while still being a douche about it as you types always take the benefits of these things you criticis, i think remainers shouldnt be allowed to attain free travel in out future deals, i feel you have made your bed and you shouldnt be allowed the benefits of brexit.

    but anyway in the EU we wasnt allowed that type of deal as the EU doesnt allow you to make deals outside of the EU block... you see how restricting that is? ... and you defend that restriction? ... no you didnt defend it, you didnt even fecking know of it, which is far worse as you have to know what your debating otherwise what is the use of debating in ignorance? i might aswell be talking to a wall here because a wall has more sentience and knowledge than you do on these issues lol

    why did you vote remain when you dont know anything about the EU or our place in it? ... why do you defend your side so much when you know nothing at all about it? .... is the media influence on you really that strong?

  • not sure what care home it was, but it was home help that pretty much abuducted her and tried to force her wealth and property off her in a care home. but at the time she lived with 2 of my uncles who took care of her ontop of having home help when they was out. and home help pretty much kept tryna force her into a home and steal her stuff.

    hell they even got broke in one time and the people that broke in knew where everything was and stole my uncles car keys and savings and took off with his car, turned out it was one of the home helps relatives that did it. they are very dodgy and criminal. both home help and the care homes, of which is probably one and the same i guess, i guess the home help might work for the care home or something.

    anyways alot of care homes around me always end up being found out for beating the elderly residents up. thats one reason my uncles looked after her themselves because they knew the state of the care homes and didnt want to put her in one when they would only end up mistreating her.

  • Which care home did she go to Caelus? I've had family members in both care home and assisted living situations. They were always well cared for and respected. The only one who could ever be considered 'forced' (and I use that term very loosely) was a great uncle with dementia. He was incapable of looking after himself, my great Aunt cared for him as long as she was able, eventually it became too much for her.  You seem to have had some experiences that have somewhat coloured your view on certain situations. There are some very bad places. That can't be denied. But does that make them all bad?

  • aye i dont like mentioning care homes though.... i dont even consider care homes to be legal myself. they beat up the people they supposed to care for and they tried to force my nan into a care home and my uncle only got there in time to stop them and found them trying to force sign her home away to them. they are pure criminals and in drastic need of severe reform and criminal investigation. 

  • Did you not read my comments?

    The home my mother spent herast days was almost 100% staffed my Romanians, Somalians, anyone but Mykal's rare and endangered indigenous brits!

    You couldn't make it up

  • fruit farms maybe, because they was seasonal jobs, of which thus they were reliant on backpackers. as they are not constant jobs, but a seasonal one off which is usually a job that backpackers do to fund their journeys.

    hospitals, the NHS being all migrant workers is a myth that was wrongly spread, statistics state only 3% of the NHS staff are foreign workers. of which most of them didnt even come from the EU but from places like india, of which we can now have increased movement with due to being free from the EUs control which the EU wasnt very welcoming to anyone outside of it, which is what caused alot of hold ups and problems in turkey and libya.

  • Trouble is, now there is no one to work in the fruit farms or ho pitals or homes at a, because oddly....... there is no local labour to do the jobs. 

  • aye because thats the only way to make it in this system.... thats the only way for "free passive money" that you dont need to work for. but it comes at everyone elses expense, its far worse than anyone claiming welfare, because it drives up housing prices to the point no one can afford a house even with 30 years of work without spending a single penny of it, to the point it drives everyone to have to rent which is very expensive life and your working for some lazy person to make money off your back then. another layer of slavery. landlording needs to be abolished for a better society, a 1 house per person rule needs to be implaced and then due to houses not being brought up willy nilly by landlords who already have 1000 houses to their name, there would be less demand of buying houses so the prices would drop to a level in which a person can buy a house with just 1 year worth of work for once, like the boomers used to be able to do when they was younger before they ruined it all for everyone else lol

    and to think even with this people would still accuse me of being a tory or a right winger lol

  • EVERYONE I know who's made a bit of surplus cash seems to want to go into the landlord business. 

  • anyone who lives here... outside cheap workers drive the wages down... this has a negative effect on anyone that lives here.... if you want a flood of cheap workers, you are driving down everyones wages here and making life hard for anyone here regardless of their skin colour. your making black and muslim people poorer with your desire for mass cheap imported slave labour but you dont care because youd rather virtue signal all your life instead of support the betterment of peoples actual lives lol

    honestly its in the same set of lefty arguments as banning landlords..... we should make it so everyone can only have 1 house so that landlords dont keep driving house costs up and forcing us to all live in expensive rent houses.... you see its the same thing... why cant you see its the same? we just want cheaper cost of living, and you seem to want higher cost of living... this is a socialist issue and your against it while claiming to be the socialist side...

  • So now we have it.

    So who is this endangered indigenous Brit we are talking about here?

    You see I am confused. Normans, Scots, Vikings, Celts? All of whom were migrants at one time.

    Those more recently like Patel who were welcomed here in the first place because it was too oppressive at home, and who now want to pull up the drawbridge? Other ex colonials? The ones that Theresa May so loved? 

    Who is this indigenous flora in such dire need of protection? Who are they? You mean the Europeans and other furriners who looked after my brexiter mother in her final months? 

    Well I gate to burstbyour ballon, but there will be still more immigrants coming, depending on with whom Boris makes his second-ratevtrade deals. From Hong Kong, India, or with whom the trade deals get made. Daresay the indigenous farmers will be delighted too

  • Benefits of Brexit

    The benefits of Brexit range from new regulatory freedoms, an independent trade policy and a stricter immigration system to protect the culture, and the indigenous workers.

    The United Kingdom has more freedom to create our own trade deals and regulations. 

    In emerging industries, such as genetically modified foods and genome technology, Britain can take a more innovative approach than the EU by diverging from the shackles of data protection and regulation of the internet.

    Regaining sovereignty back from unelected officials in Brussels. The UK will exercise full control over its borders. Brexit will see the end of free movement and cut immigration into Britain, which has created difficulties in fulfilling housing and service needs. 

  • Benefits???????

    Of Brexit?

    You are kidding aren't you?