Driving and parking

I didnt learn to drive until I was 25 and needed to drive for the work I do. I have always found it something that causes me anxiety, particularly if driving in busy places, unfamiliar places, or needing to park in crowded spaces or closed in spaces such as multistorey car parks. 

In my follow up appointment with my assessor she suggested that I apply for a blue badge. Has anyone else here got a blue badge that isn't for a more visible disability? Have you applied and been turned down? Interested to know what other people's experiences are. 

  • Hello,

    I drive and applied straight away for a blue badge as soon as the scheme was extended. I have Dyspraxia and applied for this reason. I would not be without as it it has been so helpful with being able to park in a larger space at the shops. It has taken away a lot of the stress involved in going to town. It freed me from car park charges and and time limits so well worth the application and cost.

  • Have you ever had any do-gooders challenge you for not looking disabled? This is my next fear. 

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