Can't find like minded people you connect with ?

I know people are going to say go to groups where like minded people are but i never seem to find people or find a fault that just ruins it for me.

  • 'When you seek, you rarely find.' 

    There's a lot of truth to this statement. Whatever it is we are searching for becomes more difficult to find. It comes to us, usually, when we are not looking for it. Friendship and love are like tiny fragile birds. They are beautiful to behold when we hold them gently in our hands. But if we grip too tightly to hold on to them, we will kill them. You are very lucky if you can find one person in real life with whom you have a genuine affiliation, and the chances of finding them on the internet are worse. It's also true that people find you more interesting when you follow a passion, but will find you less interesting when your passion is finding someone who likes you. 

  • Extremely depressing though. Humans are social creatures, designed to work and play together. WTF has happened to us?

  • WTF has happened to us?

    we dont know yet.

    Autism is still under research and involves up to 150 genes which makes the research very difficult

    Also humans do not have natural selection applied to them much now, and have other forces applied like sexual selection, herd selection, and other new selection forces yet to be named. The Selfish gene theory still applies to humans.

    This means the frequency of genes removed by Natural selection start to rise by random movement sometimes because they have no damper on them anymore.

    right back to work for me gg

  • I haven't heard that, I've heard more that homo sapiens just had sex with the other types of humans and bred them out. That is certainly what happened with Neanderthals as we all have their DNA but I don't know much about Denisovans.

  • And they were murdered homo sapiens in a brutal genocide. It seems to be a consistent MO for NT's... destroy or subjugate all difference.

  • I thought Denisovans were exclusively in the Asian region of the world?

  • I feel I solved this ages ago, I have the idea that autistic people have more neanderthal/denosovien  DNA than modern humans as neanderthal did not die out but had the compulsive need to interbreed with modern humans who would give birth to humans that express certain neanderthal and modern human traits each in a certain degree.

    I am willing to accept I am wrong. 

  • I feel I solved this ages ago, I have the idea that autistic people have more neanderthal/denosovien  DNA than modern humans as neanderthal did not die out but had the compulsive need to interbreed with modern humans who would give birth to humans that express certain neanderthal and modern human traits each in a certain degree.

    I am willing to accept I am wrong. 
