Can't find like minded people you connect with ?

I know people are going to say go to groups where like minded people are but i never seem to find people or find a fault that just ruins it for me.

  • 'When you seek, you rarely find.' 

    There's a lot of truth to this statement. Whatever it is we are searching for becomes more difficult to find. It comes to us, usually, when we are not looking for it. Friendship and love are like tiny fragile birds. They are beautiful to behold when we hold them gently in our hands. But if we grip too tightly to hold on to them, we will kill them. You are very lucky if you can find one person in real life with whom you have a genuine affiliation, and the chances of finding them on the internet are worse. It's also true that people find you more interesting when you follow a passion, but will find you less interesting when your passion is finding someone who likes you. 

  • Extremely depressing though. Humans are social creatures, designed to work and play together. WTF has happened to us?

  • Traits that are deleterious when fully expressed can be valuable in lesser quantities and can be selected for. The classic case, and genetically simple example, is sickle-cell trait. If inherited from one parent the allele gives significant protection from severe malaria, but when inherited from both parents  the resulting homozygosity produces very serious illness.  Autism is genetically far more complex, but the principle is identical. Traits that can produce people who function sub-optimally in society can at the same time be valuable on a species level, and be selected for. The best proof of this is that we are still around and constitute 2%+ of the total population.

  • That's probably true! Well said.

  • I suspect that back in the Stone Age, when everyone was sat around the fire endlessly discussing the day's mammoth hunt, the autistic was the one at the back of the cave working on an idea for a new spearhead. While also being driven to distraction by the constant chatter, obviously.Wink

  • I didn't know that about sickle cell, that's interesting!

    Maybe one day autistic people will show some very useful trait and help the human race.

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