Can't find like minded people you connect with ?

I know people are going to say go to groups where like minded people are but i never seem to find people or find a fault that just ruins it for me.

  • 'When you seek, you rarely find.' 

    There's a lot of truth to this statement. Whatever it is we are searching for becomes more difficult to find. It comes to us, usually, when we are not looking for it. Friendship and love are like tiny fragile birds. They are beautiful to behold when we hold them gently in our hands. But if we grip too tightly to hold on to them, we will kill them. You are very lucky if you can find one person in real life with whom you have a genuine affiliation, and the chances of finding them on the internet are worse. It's also true that people find you more interesting when you follow a passion, but will find you less interesting when your passion is finding someone who likes you. 

  • Extremely depressing though. Humans are social creatures, designed to work and play together. WTF has happened to us?

  • Humans are social creatures,

    No I don't agree - we are the most dangerous apex predators who learned how to hunt in packs and raise the young in groups for safety.

    If the SHTF, it would be a bloodbath within days.

  • I have to google your acronyms lol....I am so not hip to them lol. Oh, just got it....sheet hit the fan. I'm always so bad at these.

  • look up the "beaker" people who changed human skills rapidly but have never been found / identified

  • Maybe that's why humans are so bright, due to interaction with others?

    Yes - communication and a good brain work wonders - but a large brain costs a lot calories to run - 20% of all our food - so that's why we're predators - we need high-octane food.

  • correct learning from others and other tribes

  • Maybe that's why humans are so bright, due to interaction with others?

  • Orangutans are interesting - the wild ones are incredibly dumb - they learn *just* enough to get by (solitary, lone parent and long childhoods) - no shared skills -  but the ones in captivity are much brighter due to the enrichment of their environment and lots of interaction with keepers and watching the public.

  • But what about orang utans, one of our closest relatives? They aren't social and have 99% the same DNA as us, but we are more social than them, we don't all live separately to each other like they do. There must be something keeping us together apart from hunting and raising young.

    What about love? No one has been able to quantify what causes people to fall in love with specific people and stay together. Most animals don't fall in love.

  • But what about orang utans, one of our closest relatives? They aren't social and have 99% the same DNA as us, but we are more social than them, we don't all live separately to each other like they do. There must be something keeping us together apart from hunting and raising young.

    What about love? No one has been able to quantify what causes people to fall in love with specific people and stay together. Most animals don't fall in love.
