Can't find like minded people you connect with ?

I know people are going to say go to groups where like minded people are but i never seem to find people or find a fault that just ruins it for me.

  • My crowed is currently inaccessible to me. There really aren’t any groups for weebs outside of university and for various reasons that’s not an option right now. I’d quite like to try a group for mad scientists but sadly all the hack spaces and community science projects I’ve tried have been remarkably level headed. No one seems to want to build death rays these days :p

  • Many years ago, when in a house shared with biochemists and physicists, we made our own nitrocellulose (gun-cotton) powered rockets. Launched from a backyard in Manchester. Until the CID called, and advised us to stop. They started off at around 4 inches long, but we became ever more ambitious until our final versions were about a yard long. 

  • Many years ago, when in a house shared with biochemists and physicists, we made our own nitrocellulose (gun-cotton) powered rockets. Launched from a backyard in Manchester. Until the CID called, and advised us to stop. They started off at around 4 inches long, but we became ever more ambitious until our final versions were about a yard long. 
