People saying "I wish you were normal"

First time posting here so I hope I'm doing it right. 

I've noticed a lot recently when my Mum talks to others about me or my brother having Autism people will often say things like "Oh they have something wrong with them" or "If only we could give them normal brains" and I'm standing there feeling like absolute crap cause then I think "Well I'm obviously useless so what's even the point of being Autistic and being alive. Then there's the sympathetic sad looks from people and the" Oh I'm so sorry for you" comments. It just really gets me down sometimes. I'm very proud of my Autism as it makes me who I am but when I hear the comments it's like a punch in the gut. 

  • they are poorly educated on autism is all. don't take offense to it. we have all been poorly educated then learnt which improves us so just help improve them. if you get a chance just say to them its a developmental disorder but i'm no different from you. 

    tv has given autism a really bad name only the last decade or so we started to see the positive side of it and made autism seem normal. many people still have this archaic view of autism and if you get a chance to educate someone you should and feel great about yourself for helping the community move forward! 

    i'm happy your proud of your autism and you should be.

  • Wow, thank you so much for this! Heart

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