Absolutely Exhausted

Hi everyone 

If anyone can offer advice, help, or an explanation I would be so very grateful. 

I arrive home from work and I'm so completely exhausted that I need a nap. I wake up still feeling totally drained and remain that way until I go to bed. Regardless of how much sleep I have, I will still awake in the morning feeling so unbelievably tired. Feeling that way all day, I get home and need a nap, the cycle continues. I then spend Saturday lethargic, by Sunday evening I'm feeling better, then come Monday it all begins again.

Can anyone help, know what this is about? I honestly don't feel like this is living at all. Does anyone else experience this?

  • I just want to add I can empathise with this and quite often feel the same. I can have a good night's sleep but rarely wake up refreshed.

    For me I think it's daily interactions with people at work alongside my actual work tasks, the "shifting of the gears" in my working day but also every day life. There are days when I can just be exhausted.  Quite often it feels like by Monday I'm spent and the rest of week is running on reserves. It was really bad a few years ago and I got signed off work and now I just do 4 days a week. That was before I knew I had GAD and AS. 

    How you feel is not normal. Check with your GP for any physical stuff but otherwise you need to look at what you can change in your daily life. Have had any big things going on in your life you maybe haven't fully processed? Make sure you get enough rest at the weekend.  Sometimes I have a nap after work. I usually feel worse after but it helps me sleep better at night. I think for autistic people, we use our brain differently and so it often has to work harder (I'm thinking social interaction and shifting of gears...) which can contribute to the tiredness.  

  • I just want to add I can empathise with this and quite often feel the same. I can have a good night's sleep but rarely wake up refreshed.

    For me I think it's daily interactions with people at work alongside my actual work tasks, the "shifting of the gears" in my working day but also every day life. There are days when I can just be exhausted.  Quite often it feels like by Monday I'm spent and the rest of week is running on reserves. It was really bad a few years ago and I got signed off work and now I just do 4 days a week. That was before I knew I had GAD and AS. 

    How you feel is not normal. Check with your GP for any physical stuff but otherwise you need to look at what you can change in your daily life. Have had any big things going on in your life you maybe haven't fully processed? Make sure you get enough rest at the weekend.  Sometimes I have a nap after work. I usually feel worse after but it helps me sleep better at night. I think for autistic people, we use our brain differently and so it often has to work harder (I'm thinking social interaction and shifting of gears...) which can contribute to the tiredness.  

  • Sorry you're feeling this way too, feeling this exhausted all the time is awful. Some days I feel that I can't continue this way. Work for me involves chaos, noise, bright lights, planning, being alert, focused and reactive. It's fast paced.