Poll: Should this forum be a space for people with autism?

  • I don't think I like the idea of it. It's unlikely that you would see a NT person coming to the site for S#*ts and giggles. If they did, they would soon be found out and asked to leave. By including NT people in the conversation, they can get a better understanding of how we function. They can offer their own thoughts on how to deal with situations, they can also then educate others around them which in turn, can help us to navigate the NT world that little bit better.

    It might also discourage people like myself who are still waiting assessment. It was hard enough to pluck up the courage to join let alone try and do so when there is a real 'us vs them' attitude being promoted.

  • I don't think I like the idea of it. It's unlikely that you would see a NT person coming to the site for S#*ts and giggles. If they did, they would soon be found out and asked to leave. By including NT people in the conversation, they can get a better understanding of how we function. They can offer their own thoughts on how to deal with situations, they can also then educate others around them which in turn, can help us to navigate the NT world that little bit better.

    It might also discourage people like myself who are still waiting assessment. It was hard enough to pluck up the courage to join let alone try and do so when there is a real 'us vs them' attitude being promoted.

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