
Hi everyone,

Do you have a sense of style and clear expression of your identity and tastes in your clothing? I really struggle to form a clear style and I end up feeling scruffy instead of purposefully put together. I've been looking at capsule wardrobes to see if I can fix this and find a bit of fashion sense. Curious if anyone else struggles with this? It doesn't help that I have to go into shops and feel everything, try the fit etc and can't just shop online like a lot of people do these days. 

This has stemmed from me wanting to make a good impression in my new job, which has a bit more of a formal dress code than my last one.

  • No! I have no style or taste in clothing whatsoever Laughing I don't even have an ability to match the colours of my clothing... if I could, I would only wear jeans and t-shirts, and I much prefer shorts to trousers, so I often don't even bother with trousers or jeans. I don't like coloured clothing either. I wear mainly entirely black and white clothes. Black jeans, white t-shirts, black or white underwear. 

    I wear the same things over and over and over again until they are so shabby and tatty that they fall apart, and then I go out and search for exactly the same item. If something is comfortable, I will take it off, wash, dry it, then put it back on rather than put something else on. 

    I can only wear certain fabrics too. I can't wear anything fluffy or wooly; no scratchy jumpers; no shirts, or any clothing that touches under my chin.

    I can only wear short, cotton, trainer socks. Any socks that touch my shins or that are remotely bulky irritate me to the point of distraction and I have to rip them off.

    It's inexplicable, and I've never understood why this is the case, but it's been the cause of so many problems!

  • I wear the same things over and over and over again until they are so shabby and tatty that they fall apart,

    I wear a rotating set of near-identical clothes until they get old / damaged / worn out and become type-3 work clothes for building stuff.    As things shuffle down the line, the set get topped new things.

    How are you with label-irritation?

  • In fact, in interviews, when I'm asked if I have any questions... my first one is always: Will I have to wear a shirt and tie? I always leave my coat on in interviews, because underneath I have a t-shirt and tie. I just make sure the tie is visible at the top so it looks as if I'm appropriately dressed. 

  • Shirt and tie solve all my problems - duplicate sets of clothes for every day - perfect!

    I wore a very subtle Disney tie (I'm a rebel) where the pattern was tiny Mickey Ears but you had to look really, really close to spot it.

    Another tie was from the Science Museum - covered in tiny mathematical formulas.

  • Shirt and tie solve all my problems - duplicate sets of clothes for every day - perfect!

    I wore a very subtle Disney tie (I'm a rebel) where the pattern was tiny Mickey Ears but you had to look really, really close to spot it.

    Another tie was from the Science Museum - covered in tiny mathematical formulas.

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