
Hi everyone,

Do you have a sense of style and clear expression of your identity and tastes in your clothing? I really struggle to form a clear style and I end up feeling scruffy instead of purposefully put together. I've been looking at capsule wardrobes to see if I can fix this and find a bit of fashion sense. Curious if anyone else struggles with this? It doesn't help that I have to go into shops and feel everything, try the fit etc and can't just shop online like a lot of people do these days. 

This has stemmed from me wanting to make a good impression in my new job, which has a bit more of a formal dress code than my last one.

  • There are certain shops that everyone goes on about - and I can't find anything I like in them.  I think some shops do a personal shopper service but I don't know if it costs extra.  I keep buying stuff and then giving it away if it doesn't suit me - but when I find something good, I buy a few in different colours - but then half the time some of the colours don't suit me!  I might go minimalist one day and buy multiple copies of the exact same outfit!

  • There are certain shops that everyone goes on about - and I can't find anything I like in them.  I think some shops do a personal shopper service but I don't know if it costs extra.  I keep buying stuff and then giving it away if it doesn't suit me - but when I find something good, I buy a few in different colours - but then half the time some of the colours don't suit me!  I might go minimalist one day and buy multiple copies of the exact same outfit!

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