How do you think about things?

I think associatively, deeply and incessantly about everything (when I say everything I meant everything related to the specific thing I like to think about. It was late when I wrote this :) . Its not that I think about knitting, swimming etc :) )  . I . If a topic is deep and meaningful then I feel immensely nourished by thinking about it. It does drain me though and I do it automatically. How do other people on here with official diagnoses of ASD think about things? I can stop thinking, its draining but I do enjoy it. I sometimes think that thinking is the only good thing there is to do in this life. 

  • I love either writing it, drawing or talking (sometime to a tape recorder!) - whichever.
    It helps to keep it in a cohesive line rather than the random (but not disjointed) fractal flow it can get to be, for me.

    I love the whole process of elaborating ideas, I feel there is intrinsic value in just the doing of the thinking. Learning ones own way to hit the pause button or to somehow change the channel seems to be really important.

    I have spent quite some time comparing elaborative thinking processes with 'pointless enumeration of known / immutable facts'.

    I feel I ought to be sharing the 'results' - ie lots of Facebook / Instagram photos and text but I know it really is mostly for my own personal enjoyment, unless it could help someone else out somehow... (without hurting them...).

  • I think if you find anything or hit on something you should not give it away for free if you can benefit from the fruit of your labours.

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  • I really like that notion and I want to embody it.

    Something - probably totally unjustly - has always felt disingenuous about me "staring at a wall for an hour" and then suddenly getting a reward - financial or otherwise...
