Struggle with motivation and/or change of plan.

Recently I’ve become increasingly aware of what could be described as a lack of motivation. Only I don’t think it is that simple. I like to plan things to the nth degree (no surprise there) and usually start this process days or weeks in advance. If then on the day everything goes to plan, i.e deliveries turn up on time, people turn up on time and do what they are supposed to, etc, etc. All good! However, if something doesn’t go right, that’s it, I’m stumped. It’s like someone has turned me off.

I can sit on the sofa all day,  or knowing what to do, until I can get into a reorganisation phase and try again. A prime example is the garden building/home office project I’ve got at home at the moment. There are obviously 1000’s of things to do, if if I’ve planned steps 8,9,10, and the materials I need for 9 don’t turn up. That’s it, none starter. Although I could do bits of 11, 15 and 197.

I can’t decide if this is “normal”, I have low motivation or what’s going on.

  • It is totally normal for me ,i get days where everything is sorted ,then nothing happens .[usually unreliable other people ].Especially big projects.

     One of the symptom's of adhd is meant to be loads of unfinished projects ,but i don't know if this is it.

    I find it really hard to start again .it throws me.

    I always say there is a right time to do something ,and a wrong time ,if you do it at the right time, it all works ok ,if you do it at the wrong time every go's wrong .  That is how i deal with it ,

  • I have so very many unfinished projects, some I may go back to months or years later, others, never. I've always hated that I do that, rarely finish anything. I've always attributed it to a flawed personality on my part. There's a million ideas that are in my head and I want to try them all.

  • I find it just takes so much energy to finish ,and i don't get any satisfaction from doing it .I am not lazy, people comment on the amount of work i do ,i  hand scythed over an acre of grass ,i re -fenced 9 paddocks the first year i was here. But i do jump from idea to idea ,project to project.

    Really struggling to try to get everything up together  to put  house on the market at the moment, so got to try to finish so many things .

  • I find it just takes so much energy to finish ,and i don't get any satisfaction from doing it .I am not lazy, people comment on the amount of work i do ,i  hand scythed over an acre of grass ,i re -fenced 9 paddocks the first year i was here. But i do jump from idea to idea ,project to project.

    Really struggling to try to get everything up together  to put  house on the market at the moment, so got to try to finish so many things .

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