Feeling a bit lost

When I first joined the forum I felt like I'd finally found people who understand me and my life experience, but this past week or so I've been worrying more about the possibility that I am NOT autistic and what that will actually mean for me moving forward. 

My friend's son was assessed recently and she messaged me yesterday to say the outcome was that he isnt autistic but has traits. I'm struggling to imagine how I would feel/cope with a similar outcome. I already feel like I struggle to function in groups but to find a group that I now feel fits with me and have that pulled away again (potentially) is quite scary. 

I'm conscious of the fact that I'm about to make a career change and that might be contributing to my insecurity. I'm hopefully being assessed soon (the autism team told me April or May hopefully) so I shouldn't have too much longer to wait. I'm just also conscious that some people have reacted in the "you don't look/seem autistic" way and despite me knowing that this is often a misconception others have about what autism looks like, I also can't help but wonder whether I'm WANTING to be autistic and therefore have an understanding of my way of thinking. I've lived a long time trying to explain "my anxiety" and feeling stupid for it, but autism makes it seem less stupid to me. Maybe because to me it makes sense? I know autism still has as much if not even more stigma than anxiety disorder.

Thoughts appreciated. As you can see my account is back online too Slight smile

  • Hi Hookaduck ( Michelle? )

    No, you are not wanting to have autism, you are wanting to have an answer. If the answer is autism, then you are in the right place here. And if it isn't autism... well, deal with that if it happens. Don't look for future anxieties, that's called catastrophising and it's pointless, as I well know - I could have won an award for some of my past episodes.

    Just go along and be honest, lay yourself bare on the table (so to speak).

    I think Michael has given you a fantastic reply, especially in his final paragraph.

    Hope all goes well.


  • Yes, Michelle. 

    I think following that advice already and making adjustments is potentially why I'm feeling more like a fraud. The restrictions the pandemic has brought us and a bit more self-awareness on my part has really helped me to reduce my anxiety. I know it is still there because if I have to do something unusual - today I needed to deal with my washing machine delivery for example as my husband couldn't do it - then I get immediately anxious. Fortunately he knew what time it was coming which helped, otherwise I'd have struggled to focus on my work because I'd have kept wondering if I was about to be disrupted. 

    I am a terrible catastrophising thinker. I second guess what everyone is thinking and jump to always the most negative conclusions. I'm going to make a conscious effort to NOT over prepare for the assessment so I cant convince myself that I have learned responses to the questions. I know I wouldn't be the first person to do this. 

  • You'll be fine.

    Just go there and take it a step at a time..  Also remember if its a yes your life doesnt just turn on its head overnight.  You will still be you after the diagnosis.  Its not a quick fix or the end of the process.  Its the start of a new journey.  it also affords you some nice new protections that can be applied to your work if you need the use of them.  From reading your posts you seem pretty high functioning, so just go with flow.

    If the diagnosis is no, then you have an answer as well.  But most people that go through the process dont get a no.  They might get a maybe, but in my opinion if you are asking for the help, you probably have a good reason to do so.

  • I've already gone through all of my history and current difficulties as part of the initial assessment so I hope I'm not asked about it all again. I've been told this video bit should be around 30 minutes and they might ask me to complete some activities like looking at some pictures or something? 

  • I've already gone through all of my history and current difficulties as part of the initial assessment so I hope I'm not asked about it all again. I've been told this video bit should be around 30 minutes and they might ask me to complete some activities like looking at some pictures or something? 

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