Energy Healing

I'm newly on the NHS waiting list for an adult autism assessment.

Also recently enrolled in a pet therapy course which includes energy healing. I'm struggling with the latter part but don't know if it's me and being new to it or any potential spectrum effects blocking it.

Google is no help as it just returns results for energy healing helping autism.

Can an autistic person successfully train in and use energy healing or am I wasting my time trying?

  • The thing I'm not getting is that you can convince a person that you've 'healed' them - but what real, presenting problem can you actually fix and how exactly would a low-Chi hamster thank you for your healing?    How would you measure success - apart from a bank balance?

  • How would you measure success - apart from a bank balance?

    Double blind studies where one or more groups are given a placebo and one or more groups are not - with the results establishing evidence for or against the effect being measured (health improvements etcetera), and thereafter in respect of people seeking therapy - there are listings of fully qualified and accredited therapists, and all that ~ like any other form of practice or discipline. 

  • Have you ever see James Randi take all these scams apart?    He's only ever asked for a demonstration under controlled conditions and yet none ever proved a single thing - or normally ended up exposing their shtick to ridicule.

    The people who blindly 'believe' are almost universally thinking 'there must be something more' so it becomes a new religion to them - they will find (extremely shaky)   'proof' for confirmation bias and when someone just pops up and says 'I'll do this for money', then there is no end of hollow people needing their faith-fix.         If that makes it true for them, then more power to them..

    I'm having to take a lot of things on faith - I have to trust my oncologist has my best interests at the heart of his decision making,        I have to trust the nurses getting their treatments correct.    

    The biggest trust is my death-bargain with the hospice to help me smoothly transition without being aware or in pain.       

    That's a really, really big lump of faith required - no chance to complain to the management afterwards..    

    Would you ever, seriously, bet your life on something?  

    I have to.

    There are plenty of charlatans offering all sorts of miracle cures - and when I still die, it's my fault for not having enough faith.    Ah - I see how that works now......

    If any of this was real, then it would be regulated and available on the NHS - what a money-spinner - just someone sat doing the 'cosmic-ordering' deliveries to dispense in little prayer-doses and everyone is cured.

    Meanwhile, back in reality, it's still a scam.

  • Have you ever see James Randi take all these scams apart?    He's only ever asked for a demonstration under controlled conditions and yet none ever proved a single thing - or normally ended up exposing their shtick to ridicule.

    The people who blindly 'believe' are almost universally thinking 'there must be something more' so it becomes a new religion to them - they will find (extremely shaky)   'proof' for confirmation bias and when someone just pops up and says 'I'll do this for money', then there is no end of hollow people needing their faith-fix.         If that makes it true for them, then more power to them..

    I'm having to take a lot of things on faith - I have to trust my oncologist has my best interests at the heart of his decision making,        I have to trust the nurses getting their treatments correct.    

    The biggest trust is my death-bargain with the hospice to help me smoothly transition without being aware or in pain.       

    That's a really, really big lump of faith required - no chance to complain to the management afterwards..    

    Would you ever, seriously, bet your life on something?  

    I have to.

    There are plenty of charlatans offering all sorts of miracle cures - and when I still die, it's my fault for not having enough faith.    Ah - I see how that works now......

    If any of this was real, then it would be regulated and available on the NHS - what a money-spinner - just someone sat doing the 'cosmic-ordering' deliveries to dispense in little prayer-doses and everyone is cured.

    Meanwhile, back in reality, it's still a scam.


  • Have you ever see James Randi take all these scams apart?    He's only ever asked for a demonstration under controlled conditions and yet none ever proved a single thing - or normally ended up exposing their shtick to ridicule.

    The people who blindly 'believe' are almost universally thinking 'there must be something more' so it becomes a new religion to them - they will find (extremely shaky)   'proof' for confirmation bias and when someone just pops up and says 'I'll do this for money', then there is no end of hollow people needing their faith-fix.         If that makes it true for them, then more power to them..

    Well when I first experienced having a Reiki session it was like as if having a really hot internal sauna spread throughout my body from the top of my head to below my feet as the healer placed their hand on and about me accordingly ~ so no blind faith there.

    Plus other people used to experience unusually warm, cold and fizzy sensations when I touched them too ~ and that was before I ever got into complementary therapies as a practitioner, as being an experiential means of self discovery and all that.

    So be careful about making faith-fix assertions where they do not apply.

    I'm having to take a lot of things on faith - I have to trust my oncologist has my best interests at the heart of his decision making,        I have to trust the nurses getting their treatments correct.    

    The biggest trust is my death-bargain with the hospice to help me smoothly transition without being aware or in pain.       

    That's a really, really big lump of faith required - no chance to complain to the management afterwards..    

    Would you ever, seriously, bet your life on something?  

    I have to.

    I am very much aware of the path you are on with your treatment and wish only that your final steps are experiential light and uplifting.

    There are plenty of charlatans offering all sorts of miracle cures - and when I still die, it's my fault for not having enough faith.    Ah - I see how that works now......

    Yeah charlatan double-blags like that don't fit the ethical or moral code of conduct at all, as everybody attends the 'university of life' to explore the range of their sensibilities and to contrast those sensibilities with others as being similar, dissimilar and or otherwise. So basically it is no one's fault for having faith to the extent that they do ~ problems only arise when faith is used to coerce people without respecting their sensibilities.     

    If any of this was real, then it would be regulated and available on the NHS -

    You had not then read the listing I gave where Reiki has been made available on the NHS ~ with the first of the four A listings being:

    Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

    Reiki treatments offered to compliment conventional cancer treatments.

    And the last and only Y listing being:

    York Teaching Hospitals NHS, York and Scarborough

    Reiki treatments offered to compliment conventional cancer treatments.

    - what a money-spinner - just someone sat doing the 'cosmic-ordering' deliveries to dispense in little prayer-doses and everyone is cured.

    Bless you ~  you are projecting the virtual reality of your mind as involving partial realities in the world as if they are actually a complete all-inclusive reality, such as just above exemplified with Reiki being available on the NHS whilst you were imagining and maintaining that it wasn't.

    Meanwhile, back in reality, it's still a scam.

    Or maybe if you still believe that it is as you suggested a faith-fix for you at least.

    Oops ~ completely forgot due to a seizure fragging last night, that we really should be having this discussion on another thread, on account of:

    For heavens sake. It's like a Political convention here. I asked one question yet you're having a completely different discussion.

    Shut the eff up already

    So if you still want to carry on with this discussion post a link for the new thread below.