Energy Healing

I'm newly on the NHS waiting list for an adult autism assessment.

Also recently enrolled in a pet therapy course which includes energy healing. I'm struggling with the latter part but don't know if it's me and being new to it or any potential spectrum effects blocking it.

Google is no help as it just returns results for energy healing helping autism.

Can an autistic person successfully train in and use energy healing or am I wasting my time trying?

  • @Deepthought

    That's interesting as the course tutor recommended Qi Gong to me as well. Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions.

    Yep, I had burnout from life in 2003 and then from canine behaviour work 2 years ago. Still going to go back to it though, adding the therapy work to my skills. Grin At least now I understand more about myself and hopefully a dx will open up appropriate support to avoid any further burnout.

  • Yep, I had burnout from life in 2003 and then from canine behaviour work 2 years ago. Still going to go back to it though, adding the therapy work to my skills.

    Just stating perhaps the blatantly obvious and in case anyone is inspired and has not considered the potential costs ~ one needs to have an appropriate level of qualification in energy healing from or as accepted by the National Federation of Spiritual Healers, the Reiki Federation or some such organisation to offer it therapeutically and be insured and all that.

    Regarding also the possibility of not being a natural energy channeller / healer and finding it difficult to achieve, Reiki involves an attunement process with level two being the requisite for professional practice, with basic attunement prices being about £100 for Level 1, £200 for Level 2 and £300 for Level 3.

    Some Masters (Level 3) will attune for free, and some for donations and others will do it for thousands ~ as in not just at mountain top retreats and all that up the Himalayas or California and that sort of thing.

    Oh yes ~ there are two types of Reiki with one not using attunement levels and symbols in that they can mess up some people's energy flows if they are energetically fragile or delicate, as in one sense being that the attunement process turns the chackras and meridians on all of a sudden from being 'off' ~ rather than the aspirant progressively learning to use them in tiny increments, as Tai Chi and Qi Going practices and such like do progressively.

    Of course if someone is energetically / spiritually robust the progressive ability to channel is staged through the three Reiki attunement levels.

    In another sense the energetic symbols that are drawn or placed in the chackras to activate them can be incompatible with the aspirant, so just as the antibiotic Penicillin is not compatible for everyone ~ the same can apply for some with the Japanese pictograms. So the non pictogram version of Reiki is just channelled energy with the intention or even no intention to open the ways according to the needs of the aspirant ~ with the no intention variety of attunement relying purely on the aspirant's intentionality. 

    If having been attuned and finding the ability to channel energy becomes too much ~ as some recipients also find, one can be 'detuned' and have as it were the gates (chackras) and pathways (meridians) closed again.


  • Yep, I had burnout from life in 2003 and then from canine behaviour work 2 years ago. Still going to go back to it though, adding the therapy work to my skills.

    Just stating perhaps the blatantly obvious and in case anyone is inspired and has not considered the potential costs ~ one needs to have an appropriate level of qualification in energy healing from or as accepted by the National Federation of Spiritual Healers, the Reiki Federation or some such organisation to offer it therapeutically and be insured and all that.

    Regarding also the possibility of not being a natural energy channeller / healer and finding it difficult to achieve, Reiki involves an attunement process with level two being the requisite for professional practice, with basic attunement prices being about £100 for Level 1, £200 for Level 2 and £300 for Level 3.

    Some Masters (Level 3) will attune for free, and some for donations and others will do it for thousands ~ as in not just at mountain top retreats and all that up the Himalayas or California and that sort of thing.

    Oh yes ~ there are two types of Reiki with one not using attunement levels and symbols in that they can mess up some people's energy flows if they are energetically fragile or delicate, as in one sense being that the attunement process turns the chackras and meridians on all of a sudden from being 'off' ~ rather than the aspirant progressively learning to use them in tiny increments, as Tai Chi and Qi Going practices and such like do progressively.

    Of course if someone is energetically / spiritually robust the progressive ability to channel is staged through the three Reiki attunement levels.

    In another sense the energetic symbols that are drawn or placed in the chackras to activate them can be incompatible with the aspirant, so just as the antibiotic Penicillin is not compatible for everyone ~ the same can apply for some with the Japanese pictograms. So the non pictogram version of Reiki is just channelled energy with the intention or even no intention to open the ways according to the needs of the aspirant ~ with the no intention variety of attunement relying purely on the aspirant's intentionality. 

    If having been attuned and finding the ability to channel energy becomes too much ~ as some recipients also find, one can be 'detuned' and have as it were the gates (chackras) and pathways (meridians) closed again.

  • Definitely something you need to filter through twigs. Smiley

  • let me guess, Theakstons old peculier ?

  • Hey Plastic soul... I feel sorry for you even more than ever now I have seen what you've written.

    Please don't feel sorry for me.    I am strong enough to weather any storm - and when I die,  I will do so knowing I've always done my best to help those in need and defend against to who would do them harm.      I am prepared to meet my maker -  and take them out for a pint.   Smiley

  • thats very offensive.

  • Hey Plastic soul... I feel sorry for you even more than ever now I have seen what you've written. To think your whole life that is ending soon has been wasted! :(

  • Fools and their money......

    Rather than belittling people's intelligence whilst continuing to ignore as I stated that double blind studies measure effectiveness, such as for example:

    Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy
    This study reviews the available clinical studies of Reiki to determine whether there is evidence for Reiki providing more than just a placebo effect. The available English-language literature of Reiki was reviewed, specifically for peer-reviewed clinical studies with more than 20 participants in the Reiki treatment arm, controlling for a placebo effect. Of the 13 suitable studies, 8 demonstrated Reiki being more effective than placebo, 4 found no difference but had questionable statistical resolving power, and only one provided clear evidence for not providing benefit. Viewed collectively, these studies provide reasonably strong support for Reiki being more effective than placebo. From the information currently available, Reiki is a safe and gentle “complementary” therapy that activates the parasympathetic nervous system to heal body and mind. It has potential for broader use in management of chronic health conditions, and possibly in postoperative recovery. Research is needed to optimize the delivery of Reiki.

    And such research has paved the way for papers such as this:

    Energy Therapies in Advanced Practice Oncology: An Evidence-Informed Practice Approach


    Advanced practitioners in oncology want patients to receive state-of-the-art care and support for their healing process. Evidence-informed practice (EIP), an approach to evaluating evidence for clinical practice, considers the varieties of evidence in the context of patient preference and condition as well as practitioner knowledge and experience. This article offers an EIP approach to energy therapies, namely, Therapeutic Touch (TT), Healing Touch (HT), and Reiki, as supportive interventions in cancer care; a description of the author’s professional experience with TT, HT, and Reiki in practice and research; an overview of the three energy healing modalities; a review of nine clinical studies related to oncology; and recommendations for EIP. These studies demonstrate a response to previous research design critiques. Findings indicate a positive benefit for oncology patients in the realms of pain, quality of life, fatigue, health function, and mood. Directionality of healing in immune response and cell line studies affirms the usual explanation that these therapies bring harmony and balance to the system in the direction of health. Foremost, the research literature demonstrates the safety of these therapies. In order to consider the varieties of evidence for TT, HT, and Reiki, EIP requires a qualitative examination of patient experiences with these modalities, exploration of where these modalities have been integrated into cancer care and how the practice works in the oncology setting, and discovery of the impact of implementation on provider practice and self-care. Next steps toward EIP require fleshing out the experience of these modalities by patients and health-care providers in the oncology care setting.

    Clinical research of this variety have led to people making listings of NHS hospitals that involve Reiki and other energy healing therapies in their treatment protocols ~such  as follows:

    Energy Healing in the NHS

    If people believe all this stuff then good for them - but they are preying on the desperate and the stupid - both of which will willingly bankrupt themselves for a cure. 

    Address then internet fraudsters and fraudsters otherwise involving objective evidence rather than just your subjective opinion, and continue no further to characteristically defame or intellectually belittle legitimately qualified therapists and their discerning clientele or patients.
    And incidentally I have trained and practised Reiki healing like others for free in each and every case, and I myself have only accepted money as being donated to one or more charities of the patient's choosing. So your fools parted with their money and me and others likewise praying on the vulnerable does not apply at all except as an insult . . .   
    It is quite amusing though with you denouncing energetic healing as being a rip-off, particular as most of my patients in oncology and terminal care units and at home were in fact desperate to sleep and got to sleep (or at least the heart beat dropped to a restful rate for the unconscious patient and became a less distressing rate for their family and friends) ~ and doctors with drug regimens no longer safely working pain relief and safer doses were achieved (as addressed in the paper above on Evidence Informed Practice).

    Can this system cure autism in animals?

    No. Autism is not a disease or an illness to be energetically or medicinally cured as it is a physiological and psychological state of being, and the notion of "curing" autistic people or animals of their state of being is considered by many on and off the spectrum as being deeply offensive (due to the ethnic cleansing and societal exclusion ramifications)! 
    So ~ rather than as 'curing' animals (or people) of their autistic body-mind relationship, energetic healing involves instead 'treating' them to bring about a more harmonious and balanced state of health.

  • Fools and their money......

    If people believe all this stuff then good for them - but they are preying on the desperate and the stupid - both of which will willingly bankrupt themselves for a cure.         Can this system cure autism in animals?