Performance anxiety

On reflection, I think this problem has defined much of my life since childhood. To the point where even now in my late 30s I struggle with interviews, shops or even speaking up infront of family members who often make fun of anything that might give rise to some poor excuse for humour.

Feeling this to such an extreme level, is this normal, does this happen to you? How do you cope with situations where the attention is directed and you, your work, or your life?

  • I relate to this. It happens to me, especially speaking up in front of people in and out of the family which has made me mute. I'm 27 now and I don't think I'll ever be able to talk properly again. Interviews nearly kill be, shopping is impossible, anxiety attack and meltdowns otherwise, so I do online shopping.

    I try to avoid situations where the attention is on me, not always possible. When I'm in such a situation I take a deep breath and mask and hope I can get out of it pronto. If I can't escape quick then an anxiety attack and meltdown are highly likely.

  • I relate to this. It happens to me, especially speaking up in front of people in and out of the family which has made me mute. I'm 27 now and I don't think I'll ever be able to talk properly again. Interviews nearly kill be, shopping is impossible, anxiety attack and meltdowns otherwise, so I do online shopping.

    I try to avoid situations where the attention is on me, not always possible. When I'm in such a situation I take a deep breath and mask and hope I can get out of it pronto. If I can't escape quick then an anxiety attack and meltdown are highly likely.

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