Performance anxiety

On reflection, I think this problem has defined much of my life since childhood. To the point where even now in my late 30s I struggle with interviews, shops or even speaking up infront of family members who often make fun of anything that might give rise to some poor excuse for humour.

Feeling this to such an extreme level, is this normal, does this happen to you? How do you cope with situations where the attention is directed and you, your work, or your life?

  • Very true. At what cost? There is likely a silent struggle for all aspies, and that will go unnoticed for generations maybe. I know I am on here because I have nobody that is receptive to being on the spectrum it is dismissed.

    I also know that if I told my employer, some would be ok, but my manager would certainly begin bully tactics even more than are used now. Even though say least 3/4 of my colleagues are in the spectrum. Not to mention family members who are so in denial of their own traits they have missed because of stereotypes they grasp on to.

    As with most asd, it's knuckle down, get throuh it,band take as many breaks as possible to recharge to avoid burnout. All to keep the wolf from the door, and the mortgage paid.

    My only hope is to get to the syag

  • Very true. At what cost? There is likely a silent struggle for all aspies, and that will go unnoticed for generations maybe. I know I am on here because I have nobody that is receptive to being on the spectrum it is dismissed.

    I also know that if I told my employer, some would be ok, but my manager would certainly begin bully tactics even more than are used now. Even though say least 3/4 of my colleagues are in the spectrum. Not to mention family members who are so in denial of their own traits they have missed because of stereotypes they grasp on to.

    As with most asd, it's knuckle down, get throuh it,band take as many breaks as possible to recharge to avoid burnout. All to keep the wolf from the door, and the mortgage paid.

    My only hope is to get to the syag

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