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Autism and sexual desire

I wondered wether there’s something in being on the autism spectrum and having reduced sexual desire-not come across anything in my reading yet so wondered what people’s experiences are? Oh and asking as a woman too. Thanks

  • I'm asexual, which is very common among autistic people. I've spent most of my life being bullied into sex and have a huge amount of trouble trying to navigate those situations as I don't know what I can say no to without triggering anger in the other person. I'm now extremely reticent to form close relationships.

  • I'm asexual, which is very common among autistic people. I've spent most of my life being bullied into sex and have a huge amount of trouble trying to navigate those situations as I don't know what I can say no to without triggering anger in the other person. I'm now extremely reticent to form close relationships.

  • I mean if people get angry because you turn them down for sex when you’re starting to date (or before then) you probably don’t need those people in your life. If people get angry because you’ve been dating for months and you won’t have sex with them then why are they dating an asexual person if sex is important to them. Presumably you tell them early on you are asexual?

  • I started out very regular on sex.I was tested found to have autism +dd and became incontinent so now guess fall into the asexual group.