Book/podcast recommendations

Hi, can anyone recommend any books, podcasts etc... about adult autism? Any about woman and masking? I'm just looking to try and gain a better understanding of myself.

Parents Reply Children
  • Cheers for those recommendations, I'll look into them. I'm burning through autism books like it's my new special interest!

    I like Aspergirls best so far for understanding myself, even though I'm an asperboy. I also found All Cats Have Autism, and Inside Autism Looking Out both good for relating to my childhood experience and traumas.

    There's been some good resources shared in posts on masking these past months, inc blogs and youtubes. Use the search tool to have a browse through them.

  • I try to avoid Amazon too Ethan, it's hard though, esp as they buy up competitors. Bookdepository got bought up a good ten years ago:(