Does anyone else sleep loads?

If I am working full time, I find the only thing that helps me recover from overwhelm is sleep. If I am tired I literally cannot process information. Does anyone else sleep loads? I've always slept too much as my coping mechanism. 

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  • Yeah. I've done over 24 hours sleeping. It's not an often thing for me, but does happen sometimes. I have type 1 diabetes so it might be low sugars playing a part - but then the 24+ hour sleeps also come during times of anxiety bleeding into depression.

    How often do you get the very long sleeps? As in sleeping for more than say 16 hours?

    I find a few factors influence my sleep. Depression is very good for inducing long sleeping. So is illness, which can just be pretty mild illness with barely recognisable symptoms. Sometimes tiredness is just about the only symptom. I say just about, because I get (often slightly) higher sugar levels when fighting off even a very mild illness.

    Are you quite a deep thinker? Someone who analyses quite a lot, maybe?

    I'm interested to hear how your long sleeps come about Slight smile