Online Result Shows I Have Complex PTSD- What Can I Do?

Hi, first post here! 

I’m autistic and in my 20s. I’ve been struggling extremely with my mental health for many years before and after my diagnosis of ASD. I happened to stumble onto a website called Clinical Partners where there was an online test for PTSD, so I filled it out truthfully with answers that I felt matched best for the questions. Afterwards, I had a report sent to me confirming that I scored the highest level of severity which indicates that I more than likely have complex PTSD.

I know online tests can often be dismissed as false and those who take them called stupid and lazy, however, all of the observations that came back truly did fit with my situations and mental state of mind. I have had many traumas in my life but had always been brought up with the knowledge that only people in the military could be diagnosed with PTSD.

My local doctors aren’t great unfortunately and the huge majority are only prioritising COVID related stuff. However, I’m unemployed and have had 0 income since the start of the pandemic so I can’t afford private treatment. I’m honestly in despair. I don’t really want to talk to my family about it since they are all struggling at the moment and I have no friends, so can’t open up to them either.

Any suggestions? Disappointed

(Just to clarify that I was diagnosed over three years ago with anxiety disorder, however that was at a time when things were not affecting me so much regarding my personal life!) 

  • I'm awaiting assessment for Autism. But I have already been formally diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety disorder, I also have PTSD. Firstly, let me assure you, doing online tests does not make you stupid and lazy. It can give you a snapshot into a condition you may not know a great deal about. While you shouldn't use the information as the definitive answer, it can be the first step on a path that helps you deal with issues and improve your life.

    Secondly, I developed PTSD after a motorcycle accident. I've also read that Carrie Fisher developed it after a person she knew passed away next to her when she was sleeping. At it's core, it's an extreme form of Anxiety so those of us with an anxiety disorder can certainly be more prone to it. Even though I've completed my counselling, I won't be getting back on the road as a motorcyclist.

    I'm using my tablet so it's not easy for me to find the appropriate link, but there are several tests which are used to measure both anxiety and ptsd. You may have seen the anxiety questionnaire.  Unless I see that someone else has been able to supply you with the link, I'll see if I can track down my information when I'm back at my work desk tomorrow. Fill out the questionnaires, and take them with you to your GP. They'll be able to use the information, and, if the services are available in your area, they can refer you to a suitable counselling service who can support you. It took months for a space to become available for me to have sessions with a counsellor, so you may find that getting the ball rolling now, means you are able to see them face to face later which does make a difference.

    PTSD counselling was hard. It brings up a lot of stuff. It gets worse before it gets better. It's still worthwhile to go through the process and to stick with it. I understand so much more now than I did and even though I have a trigger every now and then, I'm better able to cope with it and I know why it's happening.

  • Would love the links to the questionnaires please.

Reply Children
  • I've somehow missed your response in my emails, however I've attached the questionnaire's to the conversation so they should show a little further down. I didn't really look at where I got them from, it's just the first place that I was able to find the ones that I was using during my treatment. They will still give you a score and a general guide. I actually had to fill it out before each weekly session and it's interesting to see how the scores change.

    If your doctor questions where you got them from, these were the questions supplied to me through the Counselling Service (Italk) which I did through the NHS.

    Incidentally, Italk is available in my area and you can self refer. I don't know where you are, but you can see if they are in your area too?