Annoying noises

Can anyone think of noises that really annoy you. I hate rustling crisp packets. It sounds so loud! 

  • I find hand dryers often way too loud. So I have now perfected a technique that dispenses with the need for them, and no doubt saving the places that have them literally pennies per year  in energy costs. Basically, once you've finished washing your hands, take one hand and squeeze near the wrist of your other, staedily pulling down until you've compressed your fingers tightly. As you get to your finger tips, the last droplets will be already going. Then repeat with the other hand. Then the gentlest of shakes. Only takes 20-30 seconds and one's hands are as dry as if the air dryer had been used.  

  • I find hand dryers often way too loud. So I have now perfected a technique that dispenses with the need for them, and no doubt saving the places that have them literally pennies per year  in energy costs. Basically, once you've finished washing your hands, take one hand and squeeze near the wrist of your other, staedily pulling down until you've compressed your fingers tightly. As you get to your finger tips, the last droplets will be already going. Then repeat with the other hand. Then the gentlest of shakes. Only takes 20-30 seconds and one's hands are as dry as if the air dryer had been used.  

  • Ah yes, that sounds better.  I've been giving my hands a bit of a shake but I never thought of squeezing some of the water away.

    I felt the same way about our bathroom fan too, until it broke.  Another family member came to me to apologise for breaking it but I said, "Oh good!  We'll just open the window instead."