Autism Friendships

I was chatting with my autism specialist today and she confirmed something I’ve suspected for a while... people on the spectrum tend to get on better with others on the spectrum! I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m a social disaster on all levels, but I guess it would be nice to chat with people who share similar issues. The problem I have is that my interests are pretty niche - for example wildlife, aviation and history... not exactly the stereotypical young adult male interests. I’m guessing others share this problem... or maybe not. I dunno :-/ 

Not sure what I’m getting at but sometimes it’s good to just air your thoughts. 

  • Yeah I know what you mean, I also love history. Wildlife and aviation are also good topics for me. I also like reading about science and maths. I've just started reading a fictionalised account of the war of the roses. Which is so enjoyable. What I've done is immerse myself in my interests. I've tried to be a norm, but now it's time for me to enjoy myself. And if that's reading for an hour every night then so be it. 

  • Fictionalised counts can be interesting - I often go over on my head how things might have turned out if you tweak ineveff vs ent in history. So what historical eras interest you most? 

  • At the moment it's the whole French revolution and napoleon era. Yeah have you seen the man in the high tower TV series that's very interesting?

    There's so many times in history that could've changed quite easily. 

  • Thank you Plastic. I do often find it very difficult to let go of things but I will stop now.

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