Julian Assange

He is an autistic journalist, wanted in USA for 175 year prison sentence, but is dying in a London Prison at the age of 49.

Have a look at recent pictures of him!!

60 doctors have signed a statement of concern about his medical situation and the legal management.

He had his trial in September but not being finally judged until January

Anyone supporting his plight for Autism Injustice?

  • I keep trying to save lives. That has been the theme of my life. I do not want to die, but feel I am being pushed in to that place by others. No one seems to understand this. I do feel it is an autistic thing to not let go of such life threatening injustice

  • No it's not - when you mess with The State, everyone knows they always go in hard to make an example of you.     Remember the Great Train Robbers?       For the size of their crime, their sentences where massive overkill.

    Look throughout history - anyone who became a thorn in the Establishment's rear end has met with the most grisly of fates - it's supposed to teach the others to shut up, pay your taxes and don't you dare think of trying anything clever.

    Trying to blame autism is just a desperate cop-out - trying to present super-highly skilled and qualified experts as mere children - it doesn't wash - and I believe you're trying to push your personal agenda - again.

  • It is a fairly classic injustice of autism that we are seeing

  • I disagree. His Autism gave him a lack of theory of mind which probably made him not understand how the big boys would react to his leaks.

  • I thought we had become more honest and more civilized, but it seems the opposite is the case. The big boys make rules to suit themselves and don't care who gets damaged along the way. It is his ASD that put him into such a radical place

  • This has nothing to do with autism - he played with the big boys and lost - the price is very high when you eat at the top table.        The timescales are deliberate - all part of the retribution - to absolutely destroy the person in every way possible.        It's straight from "The Art of War".     Kill one to frighten a thousand.