Julian Assange

He is an autistic journalist, wanted in USA for 175 year prison sentence, but is dying in a London Prison at the age of 49.

Have a look at recent pictures of him!!

60 doctors have signed a statement of concern about his medical situation and the legal management.

He had his trial in September but not being finally judged until January

Anyone supporting his plight for Autism Injustice?

  • This has nothing to do with autism - he played with the big boys and lost - the price is very high when you eat at the top table.        The timescales are deliberate - all part of the retribution - to absolutely destroy the person in every way possible.        It's straight from "The Art of War".     Kill one to frighten a thousand.

  • I disagree. His Autism gave him a lack of theory of mind which probably made him not understand how the big boys would react to his leaks.

  • It is a fairly classic injustice of autism that we are seeing

  • Hi Dave

    I think if you're writing a book about yourself and your experiences, as a cathartic experience, it might help you get it out of your system - but to be honest, it was years ago, you're not well known about, your case was minor league (in the bigger scheme of things) and as 90% of people don't give a rats about disabilities or autism, I don't think there's a market that would even begin to cover your costs.

    You maybe do run the risk of being sued because you will mention specific names and companies and the accepted court record, your conviction record and failed appeal means you have absolutely no defence.    Better get your cheque book ready.  Smiley

    I know it's burning you up inside, but the rest of the world is not affected by it so they can, and do ignore it.

  • That is another of my points ; that police will convict lots of innocent people , especially ASD people

    I'm keen to get my details of my thinking and my case on the web as the media and the police have painted a totally humiliating untrue story.

    Do you think people would be interested in the book I'm writing or if I published it on line??

    They will want to sue me though as they will allege it is untrue. Hopefully I can word it to include factual documents .

    I wish I could put it behind me, but it is established in my brain for years now

  • I'd rather stay away from your specific case - too much information on here might not help you, long-term.

    I do agree with never talking to the police - but they know that all 'normal' (non-career criminals) people will blab so anything you say can and will be used *against* you.

  • Good debate as we approach this from different angles. I never lie. The police and the media gave 99% lies. This is for their own agenda - to sell their publication and to hit their crime targets. They both have lots of power and those 2 media youths in court spread their story to millions around the world.

    I should have been "lean with facts" to the police, but didn't realise how they would use them to prosecute me. We all knew the website I was prosecuted for accessing was a fake scam and the data they had should not have been allowed in court ( type 3 unproven data)

    I have never "solicited murder" or "threatened suicide", but desperately continue to try and stay alive and get help. Such is the book that I am writing, to try and save lives and change the stigma about trusting "authorities"

    If any ASD person reads this and gets arrested  "NEVER SAY ANYTHING TO THE POLICE" they will always use it against you and never try  to understand. ASD people are 7 times more likely to be convicted, but are less likely to have undertaken a crime

  • Hi Dave

    I think you're on to a losing hand when you talk about celebrities - by definition, they are all mentally unstable narcissistic fruitcakes who's life revolves around validation from others - and the're so nuts that 'suicide for ratings and attention' is a valid way of life for them - when their glittering career looks like it going down the toilet, they are often so drug-addled and psychotic that anything is possible.

    Also, people suiciding *before* services getting involved is a null set of data - you can't read anything into that 'research' - it sounds a bit self-serving.

    I don't want to poke at you personally, but we both know what you did and what really happened with your case and I feel you're being a bit 'lean' with the facts  - and that suggests to me that you refuse to take responsibility for what you actually did and/or are trying to minimise it to paint yourself out as a victim - which shows an agenda.

    Like I say - you're probably a good bloke - I'd probably enjoy a pint in the pub with you, solving all the world's problems - but please, try to move on and live for yourself and those around you rather than trying to White-Knight for people who knew exactly what they were getting into at the time and then whinge/top themselves when it doesn't go their way.

    I don't like being blunt - if you want me to delete this reply, I will - but I think it needs to be said.

  • Hi Dave

    I think you're on to a losing hand when you talk about celebrities - by definition, they are all mentally unstable narcissistic fruitcakes who's life revolves around validation from others - and the're so nuts that 'suicide for ratings and attention' is a valid way of life for them - when their glittering career looks like it going down the toilet, they are often so drug-addled and psychotic that anything is possible.

    Also, people suiciding *before* services getting involved is a null set of data - you can't read anything into that 'research' - it sounds a bit self-serving.

    I don't want to poke at you personally, but we both know what you did and what really happened with your case and I feel you're being a bit 'lean' with the facts  - and that suggests to me that you refuse to take responsibility for what you actually did and/or are trying to minimise it to paint yourself out as a victim - which shows an agenda.

    Like I say - you're probably a good bloke - I'd probably enjoy a pint in the pub with you, solving all the world's problems - but please, try to move on and live for yourself and those around you rather than trying to White-Knight for people who knew exactly what they were getting into at the time and then whinge/top themselves when it doesn't go their way.

    I don't like being blunt - if you want me to delete this reply, I will - but I think it needs to be said.

  • Hi Dave

    I think if you're writing a book about yourself and your experiences, as a cathartic experience, it might help you get it out of your system - but to be honest, it was years ago, you're not well known about, your case was minor league (in the bigger scheme of things) and as 90% of people don't give a rats about disabilities or autism, I don't think there's a market that would even begin to cover your costs.

    You maybe do run the risk of being sued because you will mention specific names and companies and the accepted court record, your conviction record and failed appeal means you have absolutely no defence.    Better get your cheque book ready.  Smiley

    I know it's burning you up inside, but the rest of the world is not affected by it so they can, and do ignore it.

  • That is another of my points ; that police will convict lots of innocent people , especially ASD people

    I'm keen to get my details of my thinking and my case on the web as the media and the police have painted a totally humiliating untrue story.

    Do you think people would be interested in the book I'm writing or if I published it on line??

    They will want to sue me though as they will allege it is untrue. Hopefully I can word it to include factual documents .

    I wish I could put it behind me, but it is established in my brain for years now

  • I'd rather stay away from your specific case - too much information on here might not help you, long-term.

    I do agree with never talking to the police - but they know that all 'normal' (non-career criminals) people will blab so anything you say can and will be used *against* you.

  • Good debate as we approach this from different angles. I never lie. The police and the media gave 99% lies. This is for their own agenda - to sell their publication and to hit their crime targets. They both have lots of power and those 2 media youths in court spread their story to millions around the world.

    I should have been "lean with facts" to the police, but didn't realise how they would use them to prosecute me. We all knew the website I was prosecuted for accessing was a fake scam and the data they had should not have been allowed in court ( type 3 unproven data)

    I have never "solicited murder" or "threatened suicide", but desperately continue to try and stay alive and get help. Such is the book that I am writing, to try and save lives and change the stigma about trusting "authorities"

    If any ASD person reads this and gets arrested  "NEVER SAY ANYTHING TO THE POLICE" they will always use it against you and never try  to understand. ASD people are 7 times more likely to be convicted, but are less likely to have undertaken a crime