Help please

Hi, I’ve just got my diagnosis and I’m a 22 year old female. Supposedly it’s been obvious from when I was young but I’m only just getting the diagnosis now. I guess I’m just looking for advice. I feel weird and different and I don’t know what help I need or where to get it so what helped you guys get through it? I find it hard to work and still have a normal life at home without massive melt downs and my days off are basically just sensory overload attacks over and over again. 
please any advice would be amazing, I feel like I’m going through it all alone even though I have so many people around me. 
thank you

  • yes, I concur,  i use ear defenders that have a built in radio which to can also use to create white noise ( a position with no radio station )

  • Hello,

    please do try ear defenders as they make it possible for me to go shopping by calming down the sheer intensity of noise I experience when walking in. Your employer should make reasonable adjustments so ask about wearing them. Sadly Covid has stopped my support group but I do keep in email contact which is a big help. Hopefully the pandemic will ease in the new year and support groups will be able to start holding meetings. i hope you find one localy to you.

  • Thank you! 
    I very much need busy work, when I worked in an office it was extremely tedious and way too boring for me it was impossible to focus but with something to do all the time I find it easier during the work day! I will definitely try the relaxation time as soon as I get in, if anything it’ll at least give me time to see how exhausted I am and see whether this working environment is suitable for me (and hopefully it helps enough to keep me in work)

    I will have to speak to my boss as well to see if earphones or maybe even tinted glasses could be of use and work appropriate and just explain my issues 

    I’ll try yoga, I need a new hobby to get into so it’s worth a try

    thank you for the advice I can’t explain how comforting it is and how much I appreciate it! 

  • lidl is really tough work so you are doing really well, seriously.

    try earplugs even just one ear to try to reduce noise getting into your head.

    u being exhausted every day is not surprising. .

    U could have a relaxation (20-30mins ) as soon as u get home. U would lie down and listen to a guided mediation on relaxation from youtube. This might help . It takes a while before u see any effects.

    I am into mindfulness ( as I work ) and sitting zen meditations once a day to control my daily shutdowns. And it has worked.

    I would suggest Yoga, most women(NT and ASD) seem to get a lot out of it ( Yoga is  a moving meditation linked to mindfulness)

  • @LucyLandRover thank you! I will definitely look into support groups, hopefully covid hasn’t completely stopped them! I’m definitely in a weird in the middle situation right now so all your advice is great 

    I’ll try some stimming and sensory help products

    thank you

  • when my proper written diagnosis is through I think I’ll go straight to my doctors as they’ll surely know the support groups etc in my area and any next steps! I am working, just started working in LIDL. A lot of my sensory overload attacks are in supermarkets however Lidl don’t play music (if they do it’s quiet) and the lights aren’t as intense. However there is a lot of beeping / humming noises in the warehouse and the sound can be way too much. However I don’t find it too bad when I’m there it’s when I’m home I struggle because it’s exhausted me without me even noticing :( 

    I would love to work from home but that would be a long way away for me I guess. My sensory issues can start with sound lights or clothing and touch but generally it’s the sound that is way too much for me. 
    One day I want to go back to uni however I don’t even know what I want to do yet, something along the lines of counselling interests me however sociology also is very infatuating to me, the way humans work interests me haha 

  • Hello,

    this is the place to look for help and information. The NAS site has lots of advice and links so I hope you find advice. It is hard when you are first diagnosed as there is so much information to take in and think about. I was diagnosed back in 2016 and am learning more all the time and finding help and support to help me deal with my issues. You mention sensory overload, is this through noise when out in noisy places like shops? I wear ear defenders and these do make such a difference as it calms me down and allows me to relax and concentrate and not have to deal with the stress of sensory overload. I have ordered a squeeze vest to wear that will give me pressure therapy when needed but I am still waiting for this to arrive so can not comment yet. I do have a weighted blanket and this does make a big difference to my sleep. Is there a local support group near you that could help? I used to attend a monthly social group but have not been able to since lockdown but keep in email contact which is helpful when I have any problems. You are not alone here and there are some amazing  and helpful people on the site. 

  • autism and adhd are very close and people get diagnosed with wrong one all the time.

    right back to you 

    you arent alone. You will be sitting in a strange state for couple of months of "now what do I do?"

    the first thing is try and find local autism adult groups  ( I found none in my area ) but i did find my local NAS office and a thing called NAAAS  ( The Northern Adult Autism Advice Service  ) . Its only in my health bard area but you may have a similar service.

    second read up more on your level of autism and see where your weaknesses are

    are u working now ?

    what type of sensory overload 

    light ( sunlight ) in thru the windows I deal with sunglasses and driving glasses in car all the time. I wear sunglasses and overglasses quite a bit.

    sound --- i have a range of headphones and ear defenders which i wear in work with earplugs,earbuds if need be.

    having said that I now Work From Home (WFH) which is truly awesome because I can control my environment and have my music on all the time and get a coffee or break if I am stressing out 

    what sort of work are u doing / want to do ?

  • Hey, it’s autism as it was done by an ASD private worker, my counsellor believes I have ADHD and dyspraxia also and she works with people on the spectrum 

  • autism on its own, anything else added on ?