Help please

Hi, I’ve just got my diagnosis and I’m a 22 year old female. Supposedly it’s been obvious from when I was young but I’m only just getting the diagnosis now. I guess I’m just looking for advice. I feel weird and different and I don’t know what help I need or where to get it so what helped you guys get through it? I find it hard to work and still have a normal life at home without massive melt downs and my days off are basically just sensory overload attacks over and over again. 
please any advice would be amazing, I feel like I’m going through it all alone even though I have so many people around me. 
thank you

  • when my proper written diagnosis is through I think I’ll go straight to my doctors as they’ll surely know the support groups etc in my area and any next steps! I am working, just started working in LIDL. A lot of my sensory overload attacks are in supermarkets however Lidl don’t play music (if they do it’s quiet) and the lights aren’t as intense. However there is a lot of beeping / humming noises in the warehouse and the sound can be way too much. However I don’t find it too bad when I’m there it’s when I’m home I struggle because it’s exhausted me without me even noticing :( 

    I would love to work from home but that would be a long way away for me I guess. My sensory issues can start with sound lights or clothing and touch but generally it’s the sound that is way too much for me. 
    One day I want to go back to uni however I don’t even know what I want to do yet, something along the lines of counselling interests me however sociology also is very infatuating to me, the way humans work interests me haha 

  • when my proper written diagnosis is through I think I’ll go straight to my doctors as they’ll surely know the support groups etc in my area and any next steps! I am working, just started working in LIDL. A lot of my sensory overload attacks are in supermarkets however Lidl don’t play music (if they do it’s quiet) and the lights aren’t as intense. However there is a lot of beeping / humming noises in the warehouse and the sound can be way too much. However I don’t find it too bad when I’m there it’s when I’m home I struggle because it’s exhausted me without me even noticing :( 

    I would love to work from home but that would be a long way away for me I guess. My sensory issues can start with sound lights or clothing and touch but generally it’s the sound that is way too much for me. 
    One day I want to go back to uni however I don’t even know what I want to do yet, something along the lines of counselling interests me however sociology also is very infatuating to me, the way humans work interests me haha 

  • lidl is really tough work so you are doing really well, seriously.

    try earplugs even just one ear to try to reduce noise getting into your head.

    u being exhausted every day is not surprising. .

    U could have a relaxation (20-30mins ) as soon as u get home. U would lie down and listen to a guided mediation on relaxation from youtube. This might help . It takes a while before u see any effects.

    I am into mindfulness ( as I work ) and sitting zen meditations once a day to control my daily shutdowns. And it has worked.

    I would suggest Yoga, most women(NT and ASD) seem to get a lot out of it ( Yoga is  a moving meditation linked to mindfulness)