Career change from nursing

My daughter is a senior nurse. National lead for multiple sclerosis but getting paid less now than 10 years ago (after inflation) loads of other senior nurses leaving from her teaching hospital. "claps don't pay bills or show genuine appreciation" especially when MPs gave themselves a pay rise despite hardly going to parliament and at the same time refused the nurses.

She feels walked over

There is a nursing crisis which is being ignored.

What. career to change to? Become a doctor or the financial world or what?

I feel I've failed her. Autistic failure to focus on my gaughters needs 

  • Is she autistic too? 

    I'm not sure how her wanting to change profession is your failure. I'm a qualified social worker and changed role in the pandemic (still related to SW but with a different job title). I'm currently looking at taking a step even further away from social work. Certainly isn't anything to do with the failure of my family, more the failures of our government!!! 

  • Is she autistic too? 

    I'm not sure how her wanting to change profession is your failure. I'm a qualified social worker and changed role in the pandemic (still related to SW but with a different job title). I'm currently looking at taking a step even further away from social work. Certainly isn't anything to do with the failure of my family, more the failures of our government!!! 

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