Stem cell therapy


My son is 4 years and 3 months old. He is autistic. After lots n lots of research and youtube videos, I saw stem cell therapy amd few families kids recovered from this. 
 They take blood from your bone marrow and seperate white cells. Next inject them in back bone.

has anyone used this therapy for their kid. Please, please let me know. 


  • Sorry to inform but that videos you have been watching is anti autism propaganda and the child/children in those videos didn't have just autism spectrum disorder they all had mild forms of brain damage that gave them intellectual disability.

    The majority of the children in those videos were falsely diagnosed with autism in the first place and one of the children after the therapy still had clear symptoms atypical autism.

    As a autistic adult who has been physically assaulted by their parents lack of educational understanding of autism when i was a child and the way i have been harmed by the arrogant people who raised me and the physical damage that is going to continue and follow me throughout my life to have witnessed and read what you have written on this forum is absolutely disgusting.

    Autism is not a disease or an illness and it cannot be cured as they is nothing wrong to be cured.

  • Sorry to inform but that videos you have been watching is anti autism propaganda and the child/children in those videos didn't have just autism spectrum disorder they all had mild forms of brain damage that gave them intellectual disability.

    The majority of the children in those videos were falsely diagnosed with autism in the first place and one of the children after the therapy still had clear symptoms atypical autism.

    As a autistic adult who has been physically assaulted by their parents lack of educational understanding of autism when i was a child and the way i have been harmed by the arrogant people who raised me and the physical damage that is going to continue and follow me throughout my life to have witnessed and read what you have written on this forum is absolutely disgusting.

    Autism is not a disease or an illness and it cannot be cured as they is nothing wrong to be cured.

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