Alcoholism and autism?

I dont consider myself an alcoholic but I was wondering is anyone else found a connection between autism and alcoholism?

I find it easy to slip into unhealthy habits because getting drunk becomes a routine. Plus I'm guilty of getting obsessed with being "normal" so in my pursuit of this I find myself drinking every day because I guess alcohol culture normalizes drinking every day. and also, I find that social interactions and stuff that would overstimulate me become easier when I'm a little drunk

Is this normal? Are there studies behind it? Or am I just weird lol

  • i was ignored and bullied throughout my life....... until i began drinking booze. then i was accepted into a social group of bar hoppers...  it was the only way i could be accepted into a group. all manner of odd behavior are acceptable in a bar - even asd. (i had no 'tells' of asd, other than being just kind of permanently traumatized.)   there were two groups of us eventually: an art booze group, and a booze booze group. i was in the former. luckily, i guess i'm not an alcoholic --- altho some in our  groups had to have organ transplants later, i eventually got bored with drinking, somewhat surprised i hadn't become an alcoholic.

    naively, when i was in my twenties i thought it was pretty adult to be drinking in bars... i think some with asd (or maybe things that accompany it) are pretty naive and immature in the ways of the world. i count myself as one of that group. i really couldn't see the uh... misery that often exists on the bar stools.

    decades later, when pot became legal, i self medicated with pot, every night. i've had insomnia most of my adult life, and pot was a way to get my brain to stop it's constant whirring. i'd conk out on the floor. strangely, i also began manifesting a lot of asperger behaviors that were previously unknown to me: rocking, yelling... i could also focus a lot easier stoned, have a lot of empathy, and my brain would simply slow down... oh --- is this what an NT feels???? i thought. it's rather nice! oh, and i enjoyed the stoner high.

    now, i'm kind of bored with pot. frankly, my boozing and stoner habits are a couple grains of sand compared to the rock of gibralter of having undiagnosed aspergers my entire 60 years of life.  i feel the substance abuse were tools that i seemed to latch onto out of necessity. no real regrets over that. regrets over a life lost to undiagnosed aspergers.

  • Brilliant bit with the Gibralter dude, I like the fact that you was a constant observer and in for a penny in for a pound even though you knew somehow deep down there was more than this life as we see it, somehow we have to see it all ! Patterns that lead to truth on many levels and you my friend are one who can see behind the veil. 

  • Brilliant bit with the Gibralter dude, I like the fact that you was a constant observer and in for a penny in for a pound even though you knew somehow deep down there was more than this life as we see it, somehow we have to see it all ! Patterns that lead to truth on many levels and you my friend are one who can see behind the veil. 
