Reducing suicide deaths in autistics who the police prosecute

Autistic people may be very intelligent and have an unusual focus of interest, which may involve computers, but this may not be understood by the police who may look to prosecute them for doing things which they never thought were criminal. It’s all to do with theory of mind (ToM), as we think differently, have different motives and are easy prey for the police, who can make our innocent actions sound criminal, even though we are unaware we have done anything wrong. 
We have a 10 times rate of suicide compared to neurotypicals and if convicted for innocent intentions , this will probably increase the suicide rate much more. 
We hate injustice for anyone and will fight hard to avoid it

So my theory is that inappropriate prosecution of autistic people often has a fatal outcome. Many of the Autistic spectrum people in prison  are not only there inappropriately but have an extremely high suicide rate and the police should be aware of the harm they may be doing.

This has never been researched. I feel authorities may not want the results.

I’m looking for help to start this research, but getting nowhere. 

any comments? Do you hate injustice more than most others?

  • We are just easy targets for them to meet statistics and maintain public funding.

    I estimated that it cost six figures of public funds to prosecute me for "trolling online" in relatiation to someone who had done the same to me in the first place for years that I couldn't escape from. I tried to fight at every stage with complaints but it didn't go anywhere and now my view has changed on this country and how corrupt it is. My case was ongoing for 2.5 years and it was the closest I came to suicidal thoughts, they could have dug out even more against me which would be even worse. They stacked extra charges for things which I did not do which forced me into pleading guilty

    I believe I have some mild form of PTSD now, every time I hear the word police or a siren I feel like they are going to come and lock me up, raid my house take away all of my stuff away again

    A country which spends a 10-20 years of a typical workers income tax on prosecuting someone for upsetting someone online for a childish argument is simply not sustainable IMO. I recently graduated with a masters degree in engineering and was working, until this case I have been on the dole ever since which was almost 3 years now. I am much happier though and I since my view changed I do not feel guilty whatsoever that I will be claiming the dole for life instead of contributing to the country and economy with my masters degree in engineering

  • We are just easy targets for them to meet statistics and maintain public funding.

    I estimated that it cost six figures of public funds to prosecute me for "trolling online" in relatiation to someone who had done the same to me in the first place for years that I couldn't escape from. I tried to fight at every stage with complaints but it didn't go anywhere and now my view has changed on this country and how corrupt it is. My case was ongoing for 2.5 years and it was the closest I came to suicidal thoughts, they could have dug out even more against me which would be even worse. They stacked extra charges for things which I did not do which forced me into pleading guilty

    I believe I have some mild form of PTSD now, every time I hear the word police or a siren I feel like they are going to come and lock me up, raid my house take away all of my stuff away again

    A country which spends a 10-20 years of a typical workers income tax on prosecuting someone for upsetting someone online for a childish argument is simply not sustainable IMO. I recently graduated with a masters degree in engineering and was working, until this case I have been on the dole ever since which was almost 3 years now. I am much happier though and I since my view changed I do not feel guilty whatsoever that I will be claiming the dole for life instead of contributing to the country and economy with my masters degree in engineering

  • Terrible stuff, but sounds the same type of thing the police have done to me. We have a different Theory of Mind , such that our motives are totally different to neurotypics.

    police ruined your life as they have mine and Julian Assange, Gary  McKinnon, Lauri Love, Tom Hayes.

    I am keen to highlight the problem with the police and ASD people. We are easy targets for them, but they can ruin our lives and cause our death

    i am pleased to find someone else who understands how the police cause harm to us.