Bowel movements

Hello sorry for this strange topic I was wondering like they say autistic people can have bad joints can impact how regular you are because for me because I suffer from anxiety a lot I’m sure it constipate’s me even if I eat a ton of fibre.

any thoughts from anyone?

Sorry if this is a bit of a stinky subject Grinning

  • I rarely get constipated, but I do get red-raw down there whenever I have a bagel.

    I mentioned this a few weeks back.

  • If you get a sore, fiery bottom, try (temporarily) using germaloids ointment.  Germaloids is available in more than one sort, but the ointment is the stuff that really takes away the pain.  Use it for only for three or four days at a time though as it contains an artificial form of cocaine, if you need it longer than that consult your gp.    

  • If you get a sore, fiery bottom, try (temporarily) using germaloids ointment.  Germaloids is available in more than one sort, but the ointment is the stuff that really takes away the pain.  Use it for only for three or four days at a time though as it contains an artificial form of cocaine, if you need it longer than that consult your gp.    
