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Hello my name is Simon I have been diagnosed with autism recently and I am thinking about going to the dentist soon but I have a ginormous fear of the dentist I haven’t been since I was at school I have a bad tooth it’s got a big cavity and it’s black inside it doesn’t hurt and I brush my teeth 2 times a day and use mouthwash but I know I can’t put it of forever.

does anyone have any advice should I mention that I’m autistic would that help?

  • The Dentist was NEVER an issue for me. However, I changed Dentist after I moved to Praxis accommodation in Magherafelt; which was my first exposure to a Hygienist. I do get the odd sore bits, but I'm a big boy now. Slight smile I can handle it well.

    But, I have to pay for my appointments as I don't qualify for means-tested benefits. However, I'm still keeping the ship afloat.

  • The Dentist was NEVER an issue for me. However, I changed Dentist after I moved to Praxis accommodation in Magherafelt; which was my first exposure to a Hygienist. I do get the odd sore bits, but I'm a big boy now. Slight smile I can handle it well.

    But, I have to pay for my appointments as I don't qualify for means-tested benefits. However, I'm still keeping the ship afloat.

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