Successful autists

They're physicists or engineers of whatever. They excel at education, they get married, they don't get diagnosed until they're 40 or older.

Because they're not as autistic as us. They don't have what we have and their success only offers false hope to those who have failed all education miserably and live with their parents, receiving disability benefits or suffering in shitty bottom of the ladder jobs and never getting laid in their lives.

That's my opinion.

  • I am diagnosed with ASD and graduated with a masters degree in engineering but I quickly learned that it was probably not the career for me. Even though I was a quick learner at technical things I believe that I lost my jobs due to social struggles, although the company structure and other people are also partly to blame.

    Nowadays I work on online projects and I feel much happier doing this even though I'm on benefits I hope that I can make one of these work. My definition of success has changed over the last couple of years and I beleive that someone who is "career successful" is no happier than someone who is on benefits or in a "working class" job. In fact in my experienceI have found that most of the enjoyable jobs with the best people are "working class" ones, as opposed to more skilled professions which feels like a constant competition to look professional and is ultimately boring. I hated the office environment and the politics + being stuck at a desk all week and would happily take doing something I enjoy with less money over that. That is a big statement for me to admit to as I have always been money orientated and looking to become rich.

    I think there are many truely successful people which seem to have traits of ASD who started businesses etc. I believe the reason they are truely successful is because they develop an obsession with becoming rich and put everything into their business which they love. So I define truely successful as someone who does what they love as well as making lots of money rather than your typical professional who is probably overworked for the pay they are receiving at the end of the month

  • Yes very successful in most of my life, loads of degrees, national level sporting achievements, but then all came crashing down at age 60 with major financial loss, distress and suicidality.

    look after yourself 

  • I just want to work and be humble.

    Those in the middle of the pack don't get picked off by the Lions.

  • i have given up on being successful.

    I just work. I am working now, testing a web service right now. 

    I constantly struggle every day to keep up with my IT team.

    Life is not easy for 99% of people, it hasnt been for 100s of years. 

    But you have a choice to be happy or not, to suffer or not. 

    Marcus Aurelis go read his stuff. eg  "Alexander the Great and his slave. They both die" 

    meaning we all have a life thats it. 

  • Successful is a relative measure - my health problems are caused by a stress-related illness (ulcerative colitis) that has got way out of control and is too far gone.      I simply wouldn't be in this position if I'd not had to endure all those years of unbearable stress.     

    Looking back, I should have been put in some kind of home and spent my life making my award-winning models and just by-passing the worries of life,

    There's nothing stopping you finding your niche and excelling at it.and becoming successful in your own way - but measuring and comparing yourself to the classic NT lifestyle may be more stress than you might want.

  • Both your replies confirm my belief that I should give up on trying to be successful and just sit on the sidelines of life with my benefits until the grim reaper finally arrives. You told me earlier that being faced with certain death made you value your life. I think I'd just be ecstatically happy.

  • We might *look* successful - but it comes at great cost - normally constant bullying and abuse until we burn out and lose it all later in life.

    Looking back, I would have been much better off on benefits without all the stress of trying so hard for so long.

  • i agree that is true - which makes me sad for those left behind but thankful I have a family and wife. It is only times this this I wish i was a billionaire and could create a place,  a commune, where autistics could live. 
