Any Americans or Expats living in the US?

Hi, we have the chance of moving to California in the next 3-6 months and I am wondering what the US attitude towards aspies is and getting employment?

Don’t want to put too much detail in case there is nobody here.

  • The country is quite corrupt. Fruit and vegetables are taxed really highly there while junk food is subsidised. So you have a surreal situation where families might eat out at McDonald's 3-4 times a week but can't afford to eat apples and broccoli. No wonder so many of them are unhealthy. Personally I wouldn't fancy it. 

  • Most jobs come with medical insurance.    Unfortunately, the US job market dictates that "If you don't go in on Saturday, don't bother coming back on Monday."   It's harsh.    

    90-odd percent of all US personal bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

  • Plus, the Dollar is on the verge of collapse due to the gargantuan debt.

  • sorry i forgot about those,,, yes you're so correct. Also you can be fired at any moment.  The medical side is all based on your medical insurance policy. what they cover /dont cover. In short, you can get ill, and then be bankrupted by the medical bills if your insurance company doesnt pay up.  

  • The cost of living in Ca is extortionately high - so many taxes!       Even high-earning programmers are renting rooms in overpriced, multi-occupancy buildings - having to work like a dog to earn enough to pay the rent of a place near enough to work to be able to get there to earn enough money to pay rent......

    If anyone is thinking of going there, look at all the associated costs - it ain't cheap!

  • If I had the  chance to move to Calfornia I would do it in blink. USA generally is a pretty violent, divided  black/white/asian, rich/poor, republician/democrat. Having said that ASAP and Microsoft recruit Aspies fot IT. So its really patchie. I love their 70 and 80s cars. Go!

  • Hi, Thanks. I’m very unsure about the whole thing. It is by no means a done deal. I’ve gone into hyper research and statistic gathering mode. We’d been near Carlsbad, close to San Diego.

    We’ll see!

  • I'm neither American or ex-pat but best wishes for your upcoming move - I'm not sure I could cope with California and all of the craziness right now.     Where would you be looking at?   A big city or the outlying towns?