Any Americans or Expats living in the US?

Hi, we have the chance of moving to California in the next 3-6 months and I am wondering what the US attitude towards aspies is and getting employment?

Don’t want to put too much detail in case there is nobody here.

  • I'm neither American or ex-pat but best wishes for your upcoming move - I'm not sure I could cope with California and all of the craziness right now.     Where would you be looking at?   A big city or the outlying towns?

  • Hi, Thanks. I’m very unsure about the whole thing. It is by no means a done deal. I’ve gone into hyper research and statistic gathering mode. We’d been near Carlsbad, close to San Diego.

    We’ll see!

  • If I had the  chance to move to Calfornia I would do it in blink. USA generally is a pretty violent, divided  black/white/asian, rich/poor, republician/democrat. Having said that ASAP and Microsoft recruit Aspies fot IT. So its really patchie. I love their 70 and 80s cars. Go!

  • Most jobs come with medical insurance.    Unfortunately, the US job market dictates that "If you don't go in on Saturday, don't bother coming back on Monday."   It's harsh.    

    90-odd percent of all US personal bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

  • Most jobs come with medical insurance.    Unfortunately, the US job market dictates that "If you don't go in on Saturday, don't bother coming back on Monday."   It's harsh.    

    90-odd percent of all US personal bankruptcies are due to medical bills.

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