Yet another Thread about that Coro/Covi/Virus/Lockdown thing... (& "Children".)

...Greetings to Anyone who may read.

The Media/News is making a fuss, as if confused, as to why that Virus-thing has recently "peaked"/"increased" again.
Coincidentally this is just as "Children" have been sent back to School...

...Someone has thought that this Virus was a thing which was generally unable to be gained/transmitted/spread --- until any Human is at least 18 Years old, maybe...?

Apparently, especially here in London, a "Child" - including Teenagers - cannot possibly be spreading any so-called virus at all --- despite all of them shouting, hugging, pushing, spitting, grabbing, yelling, crowding, bullying, non-mask-wearing, food-sharing, celebrating... each other...?

...I just wanted to 'air' this... for any second "lockdown" occurring, as I am (currently forced to be) staying in London. It is not fair. & As I said, *why* is anyone surprised about it??

(This turned out to be a RANT. Sorry! Ignore it if You like, Anyone --- but This Forum is quite tolerant of such things, though, so I try to Post it anyway to see if anyone else understands the perspective.)

  • I just wonder how much of this increase is due to university students going back to university, to children going back to school and to people being more cooped up now summer is over. Having fresh air was seen to help quell the spread and effects of Spanish flu after the first world war.  

    I don't think scaring people into thinking it is the worst disease since the bubonic plague, or cholera, or typhoid,  or even as fatal as the London Smogs in the 1950s or the pea soupers of the nineteenth century.  We should of course take sensible precautions but we have lives to enjoy, not worry about whether meeting our families is illegal or not.

  • I just wonder how much of this increase is due to university students going back to university, to children going back to school and to people being more cooped up now summer is over. Having fresh air was seen to help quell the spread and effects of Spanish flu after the first world war.  

    I don't think scaring people into thinking it is the worst disease since the bubonic plague, or cholera, or typhoid,  or even as fatal as the London Smogs in the 1950s or the pea soupers of the nineteenth century.  We should of course take sensible precautions but we have lives to enjoy, not worry about whether meeting our families is illegal or not.

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