Cannabis card

Not legalisation but for anyone interested in or using cannabis medicinally, a card is being introduced from 1st November and autism is listed as one of the conditions.

  • the canacard doesnt allow you to legally smoke real canabis.... it only permits use of the CBD oil prescribed by the NHS which is legal anyway so its pointless.

    this does not permit you to buy or take a class A banned drug....

  • the canacard doesnt allow you to legally smoke real canabis.... it only permits use of the CBD oil prescribed by the NHS which is legal anyway so its pointless.

    this does not permit you to buy or take a class A banned drug....

  • Cannabis is a class B drug.

    My dealer credits his cancard for making the CPS drop his proosecuiton for having nearly a kilo of the stuff. 

    Sapphire clinic does supply medical buds. (I am told).

     We are gettig legalisation slowly and cautiously, it would appear....