Is an official assesment beneficial?


New here, I'm Lynsey Wave tone1

So I'm 29F and thinking more and more over the years that I may be on the autistic spectrum. I've sat and compiled a list this evening so definitely thinking a lot more seriously about it. 

I guess what I'm wondering is if going through the process of an assessment is helpful. The thought of going to my GP is very overwhelming but would do it if I thought it could help.

I'm curious if anyone out there has found that it benefited them.

So the questions that I have are:

How was the assessment? Was it hard to be taken seriously as an adult?

Did the outcome make it easier to navigate life? 

Did knowing the reason for certain difficulties bring comfort/understanding? 

  • Hi Lynsey, I’m a boy! Well 45 actually, but we’ll skirt around that! I am waiting for a diagnosis and hoping it will give me some answers. I have had anxiety and bouts of depression for a long time and nothing I have tried works. I think these might be what people refer to as Co morbids! I have other traits I’ve learnt are spectrum related. I’m more concerned  about having the assessment and being told I’m wrong than finding out I’m on the spectrum.

  • I can totally relate to your concerns about finding out your results. It's like looking for answers and not finding them. Hope you get your results back soon and they can help! 

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