Is an official assesment beneficial?


New here, I'm Lynsey Wave tone1

So I'm 29F and thinking more and more over the years that I may be on the autistic spectrum. I've sat and compiled a list this evening so definitely thinking a lot more seriously about it. 

I guess what I'm wondering is if going through the process of an assessment is helpful. The thought of going to my GP is very overwhelming but would do it if I thought it could help.

I'm curious if anyone out there has found that it benefited them.

So the questions that I have are:

How was the assessment? Was it hard to be taken seriously as an adult?

Did the outcome make it easier to navigate life? 

Did knowing the reason for certain difficulties bring comfort/understanding? 

  • Hi Lynsey, I'm Charla, age 23. I was diagnosed when I was still a child and I found the diagnosis offered me relief in a way as it gave me so many answers about myself like why I couldn't stand certain noises and smells or why I struggled to talk to people, etc. Before I was diagnosed I felt lost and alone in the world and now I know that I have autism and I know I'm not alone so it makes it a bit easier for me.

  • I'm so glad the diagnosis gave you understanding! Thank you for your help!

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