Ramblings on things I find hard

in my 20s id find things like calling the emergency services, really hard. For example if an emergency happened, I didnt kniw to call the police. I thought that their there for emergency situations but looking back I didnt really know what that would mean. 

Even now im still fuzzy but at least I know to call 101 now. 

I'd struggle to know what to do in new situations, to the point I'd rely on other people for guidance. 

Is this ASD or something else? Anyone experienced similar?

  • I know how you feel - I think a lot of this is caused by the hard programming we get when we're very young - be good, be quiet, don't embarrass your parents, follow the rules, keep on the pavement etc.       This is nice and simple.     

    Then we go out in to the bigger world - like school - and we see everyone else breaking the rules and nothing happens to them - but we still follow our programming.        Then we see general vandalism and lawlessness - but we still follow our programming.

    We're getting very confused by now because the threshold of right and wrong seems totally arbitrary - so we get unsure of when to act.      It's also why we accept being bullied - we've seen so much bad behaviour accepted as normal that we are filled with self doubt - it must be us in the wrong.

    We become easy targets.

  • I know how you feel - I think a lot of this is caused by the hard programming we get when we're very young - be good, be quiet, don't embarrass your parents, follow the rules, keep on the pavement etc.       This is nice and simple.     

    Then we go out in to the bigger world - like school - and we see everyone else breaking the rules and nothing happens to them - but we still follow our programming.        Then we see general vandalism and lawlessness - but we still follow our programming.

    We're getting very confused by now because the threshold of right and wrong seems totally arbitrary - so we get unsure of when to act.      It's also why we accept being bullied - we've seen so much bad behaviour accepted as normal that we are filled with self doubt - it must be us in the wrong.

    We become easy targets.
