
I don't belong.  They are human and i am looking in at them.  There's a warm fire there and everyone is included. I am not. Everyone is there.  ASD and NT.  They all have their role.  There is no door and i can't walk in.

  • You are not alone. I feel the same. That's why i am here. Take it easy.  There is a door, this place is a door, where we can say what we feel with no masks. 

  • Thankyou.  So kind of you to think of me!  I have to learn to live in the outside world again.  Will make a stab at it when covid is gone.  I'm 38 now and probably half way through this life shebang.  I need some people around me. Not the whole world but some.  I need to feel a part of the world. Rather than a man apart sitting in his room growing his beard.  I remember i have had friends before.  It was hard, so hard to get along with them.  But i'm going to try and overcome my problems. Because it's better than stasis and descent.

    I'm sorry that you feel the same. If you wan't to talk about it then feel free. :)

  • Thankyou.  So kind of you to think of me!  I have to learn to live in the outside world again.  Will make a stab at it when covid is gone.  I'm 38 now and probably half way through this life shebang.  I need some people around me. Not the whole world but some.  I need to feel a part of the world. Rather than a man apart sitting in his room growing his beard.  I remember i have had friends before.  It was hard, so hard to get along with them.  But i'm going to try and overcome my problems. Because it's better than stasis and descent.

    I'm sorry that you feel the same. If you wan't to talk about it then feel free. :)

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