
Hi I'm Matthew,

My gran is very sick at the moment and will be gone in a few days sadly, my dad is going to say goodbye today. 

I'm very worried about the funeral because I've never been to one before and usually when I go out to places it causes me to get very hot and I usually pass out. I'm in two minds about whether to go or not. In the past when talking about funerals my gran said she would love for me to go to hers but she understood if I couldn't do it. I don't know what to do. I want to be there, say goodbye and support my dad and mum but I'm not sure if mentally I am up to it. I do know what to do.

  •  Hey MatthewD - love your name, a boy I knew at school was called MatthewD (Dylan) and everyone used to call him MatthewD.

    I know your post is from a while ago and it looks like you haven't checked in for a while but I hope the funeral went well dude and you did what was right for you. Just know whether you went to your Grans funeral or not she would have been proud of you man. You can say goodbye in your own way, you don't need to go to the funeral to do that. You got to do what's best for you always.

    When my mum died I was in a similar situation to how you were and I wasn't sure what to do. In the end I didn't go, I wasn't up to it and I know my mum would have understood that. Instead I've since made a nice memorial cove to the garden, where there's a stone plaque for my mum with her name on it. It's surrounded by a stone border and there's a bench there too. I wanted to do something special for my mum so I could say goodbye in my own way that was right for me and also so her memory stays alive.

    If you ever see this post MatthewD maybe that's something you could do for your Gran if you wanted to.

    Take care dude. I hope things have improved since you made that post.

  •  Hey MatthewD - love your name, a boy I knew at school was called MatthewD (Dylan) and everyone used to call him MatthewD.

    I know your post is from a while ago and it looks like you haven't checked in for a while but I hope the funeral went well dude and you did what was right for you. Just know whether you went to your Grans funeral or not she would have been proud of you man. You can say goodbye in your own way, you don't need to go to the funeral to do that. You got to do what's best for you always.

    When my mum died I was in a similar situation to how you were and I wasn't sure what to do. In the end I didn't go, I wasn't up to it and I know my mum would have understood that. Instead I've since made a nice memorial cove to the garden, where there's a stone plaque for my mum with her name on it. It's surrounded by a stone border and there's a bench there too. I wanted to do something special for my mum so I could say goodbye in my own way that was right for me and also so her memory stays alive.

    If you ever see this post MatthewD maybe that's something you could do for your Gran if you wanted to.

    Take care dude. I hope things have improved since you made that post.

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