The struggling life of an autistic adult on the spectrum

It has been a while since I have been on this site and I thought it was the right time to come on and discuss with other autistic adults and about things. I am 25 years old and live in the Wirral. Recently (last month) my Nanna passed away not from the virus but from other health issues. I miss her so much and her funeral was difficult. I am okay now, but just realising all that is happening with virus etc makes you wonder how short life really is.

I have mentioned on someone’s post that people I use to know in school/college that I remember have moved on with relationships, marriage, kids, houses, jobs etc I understand that I need to get out there to be able to pursue them myself but I am having trouble. I have had now support since my diagnoses in 2017, I live with my parents since I know I won’t be able to cope living on my own. I have no job (been on the six for 4 years+), and I am just getting somewhere with help to start my dream job working with animals. But I feel with this pandemic that I’m not getting anywhere in life.

What I am asking is does anyone have any tips/advice to help me get my life on track? I just want to live a life like everyone else and not be alone, unemployed and unachieved for the rest of my life. I hope I don’t sound too moany or weepy I just need support. Even if it’s just someone to talk to x

  • What I am asking is does anyone have any tips/advice to help me get my life on track? I just want to live a life like everyone else and not be alone, unemployed and unachieved for the rest of my life. I hope I don’t sound too moany or weepy I just need support. Even if it’s just someone to talk to x

    Maybe a mentoring support could help? Person centred and goal oriented mentoring is considered to be the best practice for autism. As you mention  some life goals it might just be the right thing for you now. NDSA currently run the 1 to 1 mentoring programme designed by Damian Milton helping to set and progress towards your life goals. It includes employment but not excursively, so check this out.

  • Thank you! I will check this out! Slight smile x

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