Any other teachers with Autism out there that can help me out?

I am currently finishing a teacher training secondary course (PGCE Secondary Music) in 3 weeks time and I am terrified, I want to teach music and have signed myself up to a school to get me through the NQT year in a brand new area of the UK. But I would like advice on the following. How do I and how did you cope through school? are you doing ok and any advice on ways to prevent full meltdown? is there any point teachers with autism teaching long term as we think it'll make a difference? I would like to know these things, as I do not know any other teachers with autism personally without going on international forums and getting the "every teacher is on the spectrum" speech from someone who doesn't have it here... I love to teach but I feel schools won't like me and I'm making long term plans to get out of education after NQT and into something more friendly. Or not in the UK.

Many Thanks!

  • I am an autistic music teacher in a primary school. I work part time and that really helps me. I also teach piano from home (now via Skype which is v hard) I love my job as I am the only person who teaches music in my school. I plan all my own lessons and that helps me feel in control.

    I taught full time for 6 years then I had a breakdown and have been teaching part time for 13 years which suits me much better. It is definitely possible to stay long term if you want to.

    I have an allocated person if I feel like I am not coping and quiet space I can go tonight I need it. I have rigid rules for children's behaviour to help me stay in control. 

    Make sure the school knows you are autistic as they are required to make reasonable adjustments for you.

  • I am an autistic music teacher in a primary school. I work part time and that really helps me. I also teach piano from home (now via Skype which is v hard) I love my job as I am the only person who teaches music in my school. I plan all my own lessons and that helps me feel in control.

    I taught full time for 6 years then I had a breakdown and have been teaching part time for 13 years which suits me much better. It is definitely possible to stay long term if you want to.

    I have an allocated person if I feel like I am not coping and quiet space I can go tonight I need it. I have rigid rules for children's behaviour to help me stay in control. 

    Make sure the school knows you are autistic as they are required to make reasonable adjustments for you.

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