
Hi plastic. I cant work out how to search and have lost your thread. How are you today?

  • Hiya - I'm ok thanks - still very agitated and anxious.    

    My social worker has written a letter for me to deal with the Sainsburys issues so we'll see what happens with that next week.    The letter should help with my anxiety over the shopping.

    I managed to speak to building control too - they seem happy with my solution to the building problem but they are not going out for inspections so there's a risk they might not like what I'm doing when they see it in the flesh.

    How are you?        How are your anxiety levels?

  • I'm glad that your more positive. Hopefully the restrictions in sainsbury's will ease for you. Their pretty much back to normal in our local supermarket so fingers crossed they will be for you too.

    What was you doing to your building? I've forgotten sorry

    My anxiety is at a ridiculous level I'm struggling. Theyve decided some mindfulness thing over zoom might help. I doubt it but I really dont care any more

  • Anxiety is still through the roof though - and still not sleeping.  Disappointed

  • I completely agree. I get confused how people blindly follow the media without question. It's scary. My mental health sucks today as I'm so stressed its insane. 

    Just want to wake up to find this years been a dream. Take care plastic

  • Yes - exactly - the hypocrisy is blowing my mind - and the public just accept it.       The stress is bothering me a lot and it's affecting my health - the hospital have doubled my meds to try to prevent me going into a full flare and the cardio team are trying to sort out my BP..

    The AD/BC annoys me because the date is specifically about the birth of Jesus - nothing else!    But it's this constant left-wing whining and no-one has ever told these children NO.      It's a gradual destruction of all history so the progressives can remake it in their image.     Rebuild from chaos.    And the more mental the rules, the more you are supposed to clap & cheer.     Very 1984.       Anyone who points out how mental it all is is classed as 'problematic'.

    But surely it's easier to rebuild a classic car if it's just a bit rusty rather than putting it through a metal shredder first.

  • Completly! Nothing makes any sense. We have to lock down,told to distance but certain mass gatherings are okay? In my mind, if mass gatherings are okay then let our daily lives go back to normal than. I do think as a collective, the general public are dumb. Unless its just the people here. They do the strangest things risk wise then shout ' I'm sheilding' okay so getting in the car with your visiting family is different to going into you house is it? If mass gatherings are fine now, send peoples kids back to school. We are still having peoples kids vandalising our town daily, from the age of 10 to 16! The parents just get angry at who evers place theyve trashed recently. The worlds insane. One lady went so far as to tell someone clearing up another batch of broken glass 'I suppose you want a medal for cleaning it up? not all kids are thugs, they just have issues' at 10 I think the issue is poor parenting especially as the parents are turning on the victims and not telling their delightful offspring they cant go around trashing the place.

    I'm trying to read to take my mind off of things and even wording changes have upset my mind. I have no order any more. I didnt realise for example that AD and BC are now changed to become politically correct. We now have before common era and after common era! I know in the grand scheme of things its not important but everything is changing and I just want things to stop changing so rapidly

    The news is very one sided and political, if things dont make sense I look them up and there are so many inconsistencies in the news this last year that I no longer trust it. I had stopped watching the news as it stressed me out before. Im trying again but the sheeple are sharing nonsical posts and i end up googling it thinking 'how do they believe that as it makes no sense'

    Is this the new 'normal life' for us? I hope not

  • Completly! Nothing makes any sense. We have to lock down,told to distance but certain mass gatherings are okay? In my mind, if mass gatherings are okay then let our daily lives go back to normal than. I do think as a collective, the general public are dumb. Unless its just the people here. They do the strangest things risk wise then shout ' I'm sheilding' okay so getting in the car with your visiting family is different to going into you house is it? If mass gatherings are fine now, send peoples kids back to school. We are still having peoples kids vandalising our town daily, from the age of 10 to 16! The parents just get angry at who evers place theyve trashed recently. The worlds insane. One lady went so far as to tell someone clearing up another batch of broken glass 'I suppose you want a medal for cleaning it up? not all kids are thugs, they just have issues' at 10 I think the issue is poor parenting especially as the parents are turning on the victims and not telling their delightful offspring they cant go around trashing the place.

    I'm trying to read to take my mind off of things and even wording changes have upset my mind. I have no order any more. I didnt realise for example that AD and BC are now changed to become politically correct. We now have before common era and after common era! I know in the grand scheme of things its not important but everything is changing and I just want things to stop changing so rapidly

    The news is very one sided and political, if things dont make sense I look them up and there are so many inconsistencies in the news this last year that I no longer trust it. I had stopped watching the news as it stressed me out before. Im trying again but the sheeple are sharing nonsical posts and i end up googling it thinking 'how do they believe that as it makes no sense'

    Is this the new 'normal life' for us? I hope not

  • I completely agree. I get confused how people blindly follow the media without question. It's scary. My mental health sucks today as I'm so stressed its insane. 

    Just want to wake up to find this years been a dream. Take care plastic

  • Yes - exactly - the hypocrisy is blowing my mind - and the public just accept it.       The stress is bothering me a lot and it's affecting my health - the hospital have doubled my meds to try to prevent me going into a full flare and the cardio team are trying to sort out my BP..

    The AD/BC annoys me because the date is specifically about the birth of Jesus - nothing else!    But it's this constant left-wing whining and no-one has ever told these children NO.      It's a gradual destruction of all history so the progressives can remake it in their image.     Rebuild from chaos.    And the more mental the rules, the more you are supposed to clap & cheer.     Very 1984.       Anyone who points out how mental it all is is classed as 'problematic'.

    But surely it's easier to rebuild a classic car if it's just a bit rusty rather than putting it through a metal shredder first.