First post - whether to 'come out' at work

Hello all

very glad to have found this forum which appears to be one of the more active ones. 

My formal diagnosis has just come through after a multi year wait for the assessment. What a time to find our you're Autistic!

Can people help me work out a list of pros and cons for telling my employer that I am autistic? It is a public sector org which is all about diversity and inclusion these days. I am in senior management. In the past I have witnessed lots of autism discrimination. I can't help fearing:

1. judgement of coworkers who think it's playing some kind of special treatment card

2. having to take ignorant comments and not get into loads of conflicts

3. having my capability as a manager and team leader called in to question if I ask for new kinds of support 

Many thanks

  • In the 15 years that I've known that I'm a member of the 'Asperger Club' I have never declared this publicly - and I was in a managerial role also..

    I told two friends and more recently my daughter - who herself may be on the spectrum and I wanted to chat about it with her.

    There is horrendous prejudice around mental illness - and Aspergers isn't even an illness its a difference. I should say that in my experience sometimes its an absolute gift bordering on a super-power.

    I have got along by telling some people that sometimes I get really enthusiastic about things - and other times I've just told people I've not slept so well so may seem more critical than usual.

    And I've also spent a lot of time observing and learning some of the social rules which don't come naturally to me ... I think people call this camouflaging..

    I suggest one route for you is to keep chatting on here and bounce ideas off the other people on the forum (and I'm really glad to have found it too) and by stages find a way to be comfy with your new knowledge about yourself.

    My guess is that you have some super-powers too and you can be sure these are well appreciated - so play to your strengths <3

  • I found this useful, too, thanks! 

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